
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

September 10, 2018

Anxiety, Boundary Building and Tea with Alice?

The smile of a dirty old man?
I was reading a chapter this morning from the book 'First, We Make the Beast Beautiful' called 'Space' where I read the words pictured below that mentioned a baby's smile and the boost it gave to the onlooker.
Then I watched the above comedy sketch of Alice Fraser's where she mentions "female privilege" and the fear that a male looking at a child is nothing but a pedophile.
Good point and not an unrealistic fear, but having just watched the film 'Whitney' it's clear that not all pedophiles are men ... although most are.
So, for a male who isn't a kiddie fiddler to look at a smiling child on a bus would have the anxiety of being thought of as a pedophile, whereas a woman wouldn't have the anxiety of being judged by fellow passengers if they returned the smile of a child.
Hey, I would be thinking the same thing if I saw a guy smiling back to a young child on a bus, as it's pretty hard not to think that kind of thought these days with all of the horror stories in the media about pedos.
The chapter following 'Space' is titled 'Boundary Building' ironically enough. 
 The other irony in the 'Space' chapter was that people trying to look younger by getting Botox injections into smile muscles interrupted the brain's happiness circuitry making those people sadder and more anxious.
Tea With Alice Podcast
F*ck anxiety, boundary building and swearing I say and just have a smile about it all to yourself.
* Henry Fraser - TechBro and ObscenityCast
 After listening to Alice's TED talk above I also found it ironic that Sarah Wilson, author of 'First, We Make the Beast Beautiful' was also once an editor for the Australian edition of 'Cosmopolitan' magazine.
Know Your Meme: Puddles, The Sad Clown
With The Golden Voice
I guess it's the irony of life that really puts a smile on my face:-)
John-Luke Roberts AbsurdCast
"In a field at End of The Road Festival Alice talks to John-Luke Roberts about praise, absurdism, alienating an audience and double acts."
I have no idea who this guy is BTW

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