
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

January 12, 2020

The Owl and the Pussycat ... and Wolfen?

After writing my post yesterday about the passing of Buck Henry on the anniversary of David Bowie's birthday this month -
Buck Henry Dies on David Bowie's Birthday ... Ain't Life Funny?
Buck Henry in 
The Man Who Fell to Earth (1976)
I listened to maybe half of a podcast (because I didn't have 3 hours to listen to the lot) I had stumbled upon while doing a search for the movie 'The Man Who Fell to Earth', which ironically was numbered 444, 444 being known in New Age circles as the angel number -
The Projection Booth Podcast/Episode 444: The Man Who Fell to Earth (1976)
But another podcast about the movie 'Wolfen' caught my eye, which was numbered 437 and included an interview with Whitley Strieber, who is the author of the book that the film was made from -
The Projection Booth Podcast/Episode 437: Wolfen (1981)
Strieber also wrote the book 'The Hunger', which was made into a film starring David Bowie.
But what I found interesting was that in 'The Projection Booth' podcast interview with Whitley Strieber about the movie 'Wolfen' Whitley talks about his time working as a trainee on the movie 'The Owl and the Pussycat', a movie written by, and starring Buck Henry.
Whitley also talks about meeting Albert Finney on the set of 'Wolfen' and just how much Albert could drink, then is surprised to find out when told by the host of the podcast that Albert had died and was no longer with us.
RIP Albert Finney?
Wolfen (1981)
On the subject of owls, Mike Clelland hosts a podcast at Whitley Strieber's website.
Mike's podcast is called 'The Unseen' and his last podcast was released on the day Buck Henry passed away and on Bowie's birthday of January 8th, while Whitley released his latest Dreamland podcast on the anniversary of Bowie's passing, January 10th.
Synchronicity, synchromysticism, or just a coincidence?
January 8 is Bowie's Birthday and
January 10th Bowie died
I guess there might be a message in this post somewhere with all of these owls, but to be honest I'm a cat person myself:-)
The Most Common Motif of the Ayahuasca Visions is the Therionthrope?
CATS Just in Time for RATS?

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