
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

March 5, 2020

The Natural Way of Things and Black Swan Events?

There is a black swan in the
of the police badge
Timing is everything when it comes to black swan events it seems, as I listened to a podcast at 'The Garret' this morning featuring Charlotte Wood talking about her award winning book (which I have not read, or plan to) 'The Natural Way of Things', just after having written my post about black swans and Western Australia -
Coronacast: A Black Swan Event Podcast?
Right after listening to the podcast I saw the headlines on the ABC news site about the Western Australian police officer on 108 charges.
The subjects brought up in the podcast I found interesting on a synchromystic level, and having just watched 'Les MisΓ©rables' again for the second time in my life on Amazon Prime, I thought the discussion about women being humiliated by forcing them to have their hair cut short was interesting.
Although in the story she sells her hair for money.
I'm not a really a big Les Mis fan, but I was going to go to the cinema yesterday to watch a "live" performance on the screen, since I had never been to a live theatre production of the show.
But in the end I couldn't get motivated to go to what was the last screening and decided to stay home and watch the movie on my iPad through Amazon Prime, as well as a documentary about the book, recording, stage play and movie.
In the documentary I was surprised to hear about a cholera outbreak in France that killed 19,000 people that  many people at the time though was deliberately spread by the government to kill the lower class.
Sounds a bit like the conspiracy theories floating around the net about the corona-virus at the moment.
I was only interested in seeing 'Les MisΓ©rables' after hearing Brian Smith at the 'Grief 2 Growth' podcast talk about his obsession with the play and movie.
Think About Things ... and Dream?
We sure are entering some interesting waters in 2020 it seems.

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