
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

September 22, 2024

The Best "Synchromystic" I Have Ever Run Across in My Lifetime is Jake Kotze, by What We Australians Would Say, " a Country Mile"?ðŸŠĶ🏃

This wasn't
a post I planned on writing (but which of my posts did I ever "plan" on writing?), but I noticed a lot of traffic to my "GODwinks" post today, which I posted on Jake's birthday of March 17th (AKA St. Patrick's Day) in 2023 -
Talking Smiley Faces and Synchro-Madness
There are a lot of pretenders when it comes to "Synchromysticism" IMHO, like my old blogging mate Chris Knowles at "The Secret Sun" blog who has let his ego run away with him lately.
Hey, we all have "egos", but Chris has let his balloon out of control lately, as amusing as it is to read his BS (Belief System) rants ... but how grounded in reality are they?  
As the years go by Chris seems to be barely treading water to me.
Get well brother, but to me you are
really losing it when it comes to "Synchromysticism".

Although, I would imagine in your state that you would be thinking the same about me.
Just keep swimming, as Ellen would say Chris:-)
I guess we all need other pinballs to bounce off in this machine, hey Chris?-)

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