
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

March 27, 2025

A Weekend in Vegas at The Luxor? 🎲🎰

I didn't pick our accommodation in Las Vegas, my son did, as he was paying for our trip to America.
But it was the hotel that I would have picked to stay in if he had have given me a choice ... although having stayed there now, I would not pick this place again for a weekend in Vegas, as there were no tea or coffee making facilities in the room, nor a fridge.
I guess the hotel management wanted guests to go downstairs and buy your coffee from one of the two Starbucks that were located in the casino and then be tempted to gamble.
At least the weather gods smiled on us that weekend in Vegas, if no other gods did ... as SPOILER ALERT ... my Sharkies lost to the Panthers once more.
We were staying on the 23rd floor and seeing the balconies made me feel like Mel Brooks' character in the movie 'High Anxiety'.  
And looking out of our hotel window was like looking through
a big flyscreen.
And our view was of the football stadium that we would be spending just about all of the next day in.


March 26, 2025

Why Do People Judge Meghan Markle?🤔

It makes me laugh when people pretend not to make judgements about other people, because we all do, whether you care to be honest and admit that you do or be dishonest and say that you don't.
Kanye West's song Gold Digger comes to mind for some reason when I think of 
Meghan Markle hooking up with Prince Harry.
And I can't help thinking that 
Kanye West would have a soft spot for Harry somehow.
Being about one quarter Jewish myself (ironically, I have more German blood than Jewish) I have no time for 
Kanye West anymore, but I still have a soft spot for Harry, even with that Nazi uniform party blunder of his.
There is a difference between being an idiot and an outright racist, right Kanye?  

Goin' Down to Chinatown (San Francisco)?🥠

One of my goals when visiting San Francisco was to buy a bag of fortune cookies in Chinatown to take with us and eat one or two each day as we made our way across America, as I wrote in this post -
The Snake is Back from Tomorrow? 🐍🧨🎆
So, after we had visited the
Grace Cathedral and walked the outside labyrinth, we walked down to Chinatown and had dinner at The Far East Cafe.
Walking the Grace Cathedral Labyrinth? ⛪🦶👣👼
And being from Brisbane, Australia we certainly were pretty far east from home that night:-)
We were even served 
fortune cookies at the end of our meal:-)
On our walk down to Chinatown we saw a driverless WAYMO car holding up traffic, because it wouldn't cross the white line in the middle of the road and wouldn't pass the car that wasn't parked parallel to the curb.
There was also a driverless WAYMO car behind that one, but it had a passenger in it who must have contacted the company to explain why his car was stuck behind the one in front, because that was the first WAYMO to cross the white line and go around the one in front of it. 
My son filmed the whole thing, but I just took a few photos on my phone.
We had ridden in one of these cars the night before, as I had written in this post -
Welcome to the USA?🛫🛬
You see some weird things while walking through Chinatown, like this photo above where I had to look twice, as I thought I had snapped a photo of Greta Thunberg approaching Bigfoot:-) 
One good thing about walking right around Chinatown was I came across a bookstore I had planned to visit, but had forgotten all about, the City Lights Bookstore, which I had seen in a documentary about Winona Ryder weeks before we left Australia for America.
I ended up buying a copy of Gravity's Rainbow here that night, but won't be reading it for months, or maybe years to come.
I checked out the POETRY ROOM that night and they were setting up for a book talk, but I'm not into poetry and we were leaving for Las Vegas the next day, so we gave it a miss.
Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Poetry is Not for Me, But is it for You? 🌹🥀
City Lights Bookstore's POETRY ROOM
We had lost track of time and didn't realize that the fortune cookie shop had closed, and we didn't have our bag of 
fortune cookies to take to Vegas the next day.
My son suggested that we should still walk round and see if they might still be open.
The shop was closed, but there was a lady in there making fortune cookies and my son asked her if she would sell us a bag. 
She gave us a bag full of fresh unmade cookies, as well as the bag of cookies we asked for, so my son gave her $20 her being so nice to us.
So, that was it for us as far as our San Francisco leg of the trip went and it was off to the airport the next day to fly out to Vegas to watch the Sharks take on the Panthers over that weekend.
I can't ever see myself going back to
San Francisco in this lifetime, as I did everything I had planned to do and bought the Starbucks SF mug to remind me of all the places I saw while I was there.
But never say never, as they say:-)
That might make for a great fortune cookie saying?-)