Having some Danish heritage myself, you can guess whose side I'm on here when it comes to who should have control of Greenland ... if not the Greenlanders themselves?
I'll be in New DenmarkCalifornia next month for the first time in my life, so maybe I'll have to plant some Danish flags around the state on my travels?-)
I'm about halfway through reading 'Here One Moment' and came across a character in the book reciting the lines from the Liam Neesonmovie'TAKEN'in his sleep and thought that I've not heard those lines before, and didn't realize they were such a meme, as I haven't watched the'TAKEN' movies before, because the trailers have always put me off seeing them.
My favourite Liam Neesonmovie is'The Grey', but I won't be watching it on my upcoming plane flights -
I was born on the cusp ofVirgo/Libra, but see myself as more of aLibran
I'm not a fan of real-estate agents, to be honest because one dickhead almost cost me an extra $40,000 from the sale of my house, but I guess that was never going to be my fate anyway, as I have written about in the past -
I can't say that I have ever suffered a toothache in my lifetime (touch wood), but I have been to the dentist quite often lately to have my silverchildhood fillings replaced, after having one of my back teeth fall apart while chewing gum, which I wrote about in this post -
My younger brother's tooth fell apart on the same night as mine did, while he was biting into a chocolate bar. I hadn't been to a dentist since in my pre-teens when I got the 4 silver fillings I had in my mouth until the chewing gum incident.
I was also told by my dentist that I had been brushing too hard on one side of my mouth and had been brushing the enamel off those teeth.
I bought a set of miniature figures someone had donated to the op shop I work at part time, because one of the figures was a "trouble gum" packet with gum oozing out of the packet containing teeth.
There was also a tube of toothpaste with crap and maggots being squeezed out of the tube:-)
AMcOz Burger I ate recently ... without the fries:-)
Until last Sunday I had these figures laying on my computer desk to remind me to not brush my teeth so hard, avoid eating junk food too much and to replace the last silver filling I have, as I was told it was the filling expanding and contracting over the years from hot and cold food and beverages that had cracked and weakened those teeth.
I think I've learned my lesson from those figures and have since re-donated the figures back to the op shop last Monday for someone else to ponder the lessons of dental hygiene in their own life:-)
It's amazing to me that I managed to keep my teeth intact over the years while playing three different codes of football.