
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

October 31, 2015

A Walk Through the Bindis

A red bindi in the centre of the eyebrows.
I was reading Jono Lineen's fascinating book, Into the Heart of the Himalayas, which I bought from the Byron Bay Writers Festival in 2014 (another post will be coming about this book, soon)
UPDATE: This is that post -
Walk On!
and read this passage about bindis -
"The Ganga-Mai temple is simply designed, a pale stone square with four corner turrets and a central tower. 
It fits unassumingly into its surroundings....
 When I was there the lack of people and the white noise rush of the Bhagriath River emphasized its tranquility.
The temple was locked (it is closed for the season on the Indian holiday of Diwali each year and reopened in May), but I could see the white-washed walls of the inner shrine were covered with thousands of red dots, women's bindis, or forehead markings.
Bindis mark the area between the eyebrows that is said to be the sixth chakra, or energy centre.
In a way, each of these scores of women had placed a piece of their being in the guardianship of the goddess.
The pattern created by the red marks was endless, like the Australian aboriginal dot painting exposing a community's relationship with gods and landscape."
 I love how Jono compared the bindis on the wall to an aboriginal dot painting.
I never knew what those red dots were called before reading Jono's book, and when I saw the word "bindi" printed in the book I immediately thought, so that's why Steve and Terry Irwin named their daughter Bindi.
To me a bindi is what a lot of Australians call a prickle that gets stuck in your foot when you are not wearing shoes while walking through a patch of them. 

Bindi Irwin

But no, it turns out that her first name comes from the name of her father's favourite female crocodile at the Australia Zoo and according to her father, Bindi is an Australian Aboriginal word that means "young girl".
I must admit to being a little disappointed to learn Bindi wasn't given her name as a reference to the little spiritual points of consciousness seen painted on Hindu's foreheads.
I wrote an old post once referencing the little red dots used in the Hindu religion, but I had no idea that they were called a bindi when I wrote it -
Steering Synchronicity by Surprise
Is this guy trying to place a
Bindi on his forehead?-)
I've learned something today from reading Jono Lineen's book on his truly fascinating spiritual trek across the Himalayas, and like I said, there is a post to follow soon about the personal synchronicities I had while reading his book.
So, stay tuned. 

UPDATE: 1st Nov, 2015
I was just listening to a new podcast which I'm writing a post about at present, and at the 1:05 hour mark Forrest says something like, I was working in a clothing store five, or six years ago and this man wearing a turban and a bindi says I'm on this pilgrimage to give people information and he says,"you're alone, you are always going to be alone, but God is with you and he is all you have".
The Liminalist # 38: Diving into the Nightmare (with Forrest Borie)
Funny thing was that I hired the Robert Zemeckis directed movie What Lies Beneath out and watched it on Halloween, because after being involved with the BTTF/911 video that went viral on BTTF Day, I thought maybe I should watch all of Bob's movies and being Halloween (unofficially in Australia).
I thought what better choice than to watch the only horror movie that Robert Zemeckis has directed?
The sync here is that I found Jasun's podcast through a link titled What Lies Beyond.
The boat out of What Lies Beneath is
Waterbury, Vermont.
The weird synch connection here is that if you listen to the podcast, you will hear that Forrest says that he was always terrified at his mother's home in Vermont.
What Lies Beneath takes place in Vermont, also.
"The wife of a university research scientist believes that her lakeside Vermont home is haunted by a ghost - or that she is losing her mind."
Let's not forget that Jasun is interviewing a guy named Forrest and Zemeckis directed the movie Forrest Gump:-)
Forrest's story is told in the movie The Nightmare.
His story is about the Ticklers who come and tickle him in the crib.
Rodney Ascher who made The Nightmare also made the movie Room 237, which is exploration of various interpretations of Stanley Kubrick's horror film, The Shining (1980).
A Shining moment in What Lies Beneath?
And there are some very Shining moments in Zemeckis's What Lies Beneath.

October 30, 2015

My "Back to the Future" Day

Movies have always played a big part in my life and October 21st, 2015 being Back to the Future Day was no different.
In fact, being a self-confessed Sync-Head I guess October 21st, 2015 doesn't get much synchyer for me on a personal level, as I was made redundant from my full-time job of the last two years on October 21st, 2015, as well as attending the 30-year anniversary at a cinema in a shopping complex where I got my first full-time job at the
K-mart store there when I left high school over 30 years ago.
My redundancy letter handed to me two weeks ago
My BTTF ticket from October 21st, 2015
Not only that, but a YouTube clip that I had a hand in with some other sync-heads went viral and received heaps of main-stream media attention world wide on BTTF Day.
The last time I was made redundant turned out to be a MENTAL day also, as I wrote about in this old post a few years ago -
"Mental" Syncs
I doubt if I'll ever see days like these again ... or will I?-)

October 29, 2015

Type1Radio Special: Time is Art with Jennifer Palmer & Katy Walker

"On this episode of Type1Radio Lounge special Swami & Psonik welcome Jennifer Palmer & Katy Walker to the show. 
They discuss their upcoming documentary film Time is Art, which follows Jennifer on a journey of synchronicity
The film will premier on 11/11 around the world, with screenings in LA, Austin, San Francisco, NYC, Anchorage & Lewes.
For more details go to thesyncmovie
The Lewes screening will be held at zustudios on 11/11 at 9pm"
Click on the link below to go to the Type1Radio and listen to the podcast -
Type1Radio Special – Time is Art with Jennifer Palmer & Katy Walker
I love that Aussie guy's musical request for The Rolling Stones song
She's a Rainbow.
I get it 42/rainbows.
He must be one hell of a sync-head that guy;-)
You guys certainly took a RISK playing that song;-)
Like the girls said at the end of the pod-cast, I hope that The Stones don't sue. 

October 28, 2015

Secrets of Supermen?

More interesting Masonic speculations by Halfasheep in this intriguing new video of his.
Here are a few more of his older videos below,  for those of you, like me, who just love his speculations about Masonry and its occult themes.

October 27, 2015

Pan and the Esoteric Journey of the Dreamer: Conscious Movie Review

Peter is spirited away to the astral realms of the dream space, aka Neverland - where he learns how to create and fly as he awakens within the dream and reconnects with the spiritual Mother."
My sync-head blogging friend Brendon posted this enlightening movie review this morning, and I thought it was a pretty good review, so I decided to post it here.
I'm going to go and see this at the cinema again tomorrow, before its run finishes. 
The ironic thing was I went to see this movie in 3-D with my sons at a late-night session, but ironically, I was so tied that I couldn't stay awake, so I keep drifting in and out of the movie. 
It seemed like a good movie; I just couldn't stay awake for the life of me. 
We only went to see it because my older son used to teach the actor's (who plays Peter) mother, how to use her Apple computer when my son used to work for Apple
My son used to teach Levi's first agent, as well. 
Six Degrees?
And on a personally synchy note I see that Levi Miller is going to be the star of the next Red Dog movie.
Levi Miller will play Mick, a boy living
on a
Pilbara cattle station in the 1960s
Red Dog/Blue Dog Sync
Small world indeed.
Red Dog prequel Blue Dog begins filming in the Pilbara

October 26, 2015

Sync Quick News 21: After Midnight

After Midnight [Sync Quick News 21]

I tried to up-load the You Tube, but after one(?!) view Viacom had it taken down.
Click on the red link under the screen-shot above to see it at the Sync Book Facebook page or click on the link below to find out how to view it in iTunes.
"Sync blew up the internet on BackToTheFutureDay, but we've got a few more minds to blow with the return of everyone's favorite series, on the anniversary of the very first episode."
Referenced Links:
Washington Post . . . Midnight video of Chris Hardwick's full rant . . . Back to the Future Predicts 911 . . . 42Minutes interview with Joe Alexander . . . FineJustFine interview with Eric McLuhan . . . Synchronize Season 2

See the original After Midnight segment of Chris Hardwick hilariously (yes, it was good, I loved it myself) taking the piss out of our video at this link - 
@Midnight with Chris Hardwick 
If you live in Australia like I do, that link above will be no good, unless you have a geoblocker, because we've been blocked from viewing that content, so try the show's Facebook page (linked below) to see Hardwick tear us a new one;-)

October 24, 2015

Time God: Jake Kotze

Jake Kotze has just released a new mind-blowing sync video on his Vimeo channel, which I have no idea on how to load onto my blog page.
So, if you want to take a look at Jake's video, click on the red and black link below and it will take you right to his page, so you can watch it.
Time : God
And you might like to click onto this link and see an interview with Jake Kotze -
Jake Kotze interview, On the Road to the Olympia Sync Summit

October 23, 2015

The LOST Prophecy of J.J Abrams Writing Star Wars VII?

I was watching J.J Abrams TV show LOST last night, where in season 5 two guys go back to 1977 and one of the guys get caught by the other writing a script for Empire Strikes Back, because being from the future he already knows that George Lucas will make it, so he figures he will write it and sell it to GL, with some added improvements to the script. 
The weird thing here though is that J.J Abrams would go on to write and direct Star Wars VII.
So, did Abrams see this coming when he was involved in making this LOST episode?
Star Wars’ Mark Hamill 'pitched' evil Luke Skywalker to J.J. Abrams (in 2005) 
Skip to about 12 minutes in to the You Tube below to hear Hamill describe his ideas.

October 22, 2015

Star Wars and 237?

Click image to make image bigger
I was noticing that my recent Star Wars post -
Star Wars: The Force Awakens?
was getting a bit of traffic for some reason this afternoon, so I went and checked the stats for the week and found out that it had 237 hits so far this week.
 Then I checked the time and saw it was 2:37pm.
Click image to make image bigger

October 21, 2015

Back To The Future Day Predicts 911: 42 Minutes: Bonus 37: Joe Alexander

Back To The Future Day Predicts 911
Bonus 37: Joe Alexander
Back To The Future Day Predicts 911
The Program travels through time and space to share Back To The Future Day with our favorite synchromystic filmmaker, Joe Alexander.
Topics: The Walk, BTTF, Bob Gale, Zemeckis, Philippe Petit, The Wire, 911, Strength & Mercy, Twin Towers, Liberty, Interstate 60, Trump, Cubs, Magic.


Some Days are Rocks, Some Days are Diamond?

I wrote a post last year called -
And yes, I deliberately referenced Neil Diamond's song Love on the Rocks, while writing that post.
I even included the You Tube at the top of this post in that post, as it had some wonderful beach imagery in the clip.
I must say that when I went to Wikipedia to get some information about the song right now, I did find this paragraph quite amusing, as the title of my blog is "Watching the Wheels Go Round", named after perhaps my all-time favourite musician (right next to Bruce Springsteen that is ... I'll make it a tie) John Lennon's song.
""Love on the Rocks" is a song written by Neil Diamond and Gilbert Bรฉcaud that appeared in the 1980 movie The Jazz Singer and was performed by Diamond on the soundtrack album to the film.
It was also released as a single and reached #2 on the Billboard Hot 100 for four weeks in January 1981, during the five-week reign of (Just Like) Starting Over by John Lennon. 
Neil Diamond biographer Laura Jackson describes the lyrics as taking "a sometimes-cynical look at a man who is trapped in a relationship and is disillusioned with life."
Love on the Rocks (Neil Diamond song)

Neil Diamond

Live in Concert

Tue 3 & Thu 5 Nov 2015

I bought a ticket the other day to Neil's 2nd Brisbane concert (Thursday 5 Nov, 2015), as I have never seen/heard him play live before.

And since he hasn't been to Australia for 7 years, I thought it could be a long time, if ever, that I get the chance to see him play live again.
Then I looked at the date the concert was on and wondered why that date was ringing bells.
Of course, all the Back to the Future fans would have known straight away why that date was familiar and having had to watch all three BTTF films to give my input into the making of this BTTF video below, that is starting to go viral, I should have realized the significance of that date, as well.
A YouTube video claims ‘Back to the Future’ predicted 9/11and that isn’t even the weird part
But I can't help thinking how synchy it is that I write a post about a Neil Diamond song and a year later I'm going to a concert in the month that happens to be my engagement and wedding anniversaries (Nov 11th, engagement, Nov 19th, wedding) and possibly the month my divorce is finalized, too?
Who said the universe doesn't have a sense of humour? 
And at my expense it seems, too.

Back to the Future with Neil Diamond on Nov 5th?