
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

February 27, 2022

Super Connected Conversations and Acting on Our Dreams?

I wrote about how I found the 'Super Connected Conversations' podcast in my last post -
Over the last few weeks I've been trying to remember my dreams without much success, but yesterday morning I woke up remembering the tail end of a dream where I was hanging around backstage with some actors who where about to put on a play to a packed theatre.
They were my friends, not that they resembled any friends of mine or actors in real life, and they were passing around tins with pills in them to take before the curtains opened and the play would begin.
They explained what the purpose for each pill in the tin was for, like one to take the edge off your nerves, one for clarity, etc.
Then as the curtain was about to rise one of my actor friends said to me have you learned your lines, and I said "what lines"?
He said for the play, and I said "what play"?
He said "this play".
I broke into a panic realizing that I was meant to be an actor in this stage play with my actor friends and I knew not one line in this play that was about to begin and that I was going to let them all down and ruin the play that I was meant to be in with them and make a fool out of myself to a packed audience.
To my great relief I woke up in my bed to find out it was all just a dream.
In real life I have no ambition whatsoever to be an actor on stage, as much as I like to see actors in stage plays put on a good show from time to time.
All the World’s a Stage
I had been listening to podcasts about dreams and making an effort to try and recall mine to see if they would tell me anything about my waking life and I had been having no luck until I remembered this weird stage play dream.
I had listened to Tim's conversation with Jennifer Dumpert and Kate Alderton about dreams before I had my dream, but I hadn't listened to Tim's final podcast so far which was with Oliver Senton until about an hour after I woke from that dream.

February 26, 2022

Super Connected Conversations ... and Peter Gabriel ... So?

 Super Connected Conversations
ith Michelle Baker Jones
I found the 'Super Connected Conversations' Podcast featuring Michelle Baker Jones after listening to Dr. Bernie Beitman chat to Rosalind Watts where she tells Bernie about a podcast her friend Michelle was on about connecting with people.
Peter Gabriel's 'So' album released in 1986
1986 was the Year of the Tiger by the way:-)
In the 'Super Connected Conversations' Podcast Michelle tells Tim about Peter Gabriel's 'So' album and how one of his songs 
'Games Without Frontiers' (which is not on that album) was a favourite of hers when she was growing up.
While I can't say that song was a favourite of mine when growing up, I am a big Peter Gabriel fan, as I mentioned in this recent post -

Australia Zoo Closed Because of Flooding the First Weekend After Steve's 60th Birthday in the Year of the Water Tiger?

The zoo was closed Friday the 25th, 2022 from flooding also, so I guess it was all in the stars;-)
20 year anniversary this year, too
Baha Men: Crocodile Rock Music Video 2002
Crocodile spotted in back of rented Bunnings trailer?

February 24, 2022

Here's the Thing ... Life, S#!t and Shovels?

Russ Tamblyn as Dr. Lawrence Jacoby in Twin Peaks
Here's The Thing Podcast with Alec Baldwin
Russ shovel dancing in the 'Fastest Gun Alive'?
Starring Russ Tamblyn as Eric Doolittle
I never knew much about Russ' movie career back past 'Twin Peaks' and was surprised to hear on the podcast about his first movie role being in 'The  Boy With Green Hair' also starring Dean Stockwell, who passed away in 2021
Scott Bakula ... and Time?
I think it was kind of synchromystic that the only episode of 'Quantum Leap' starring Dean Stockwell, Scott Bakula and Russ Tamblyn was about 2/22 (AKA Groundhog's Day) in 1974 the Year of the Tiger:-)
And who passes away less than a month from Dean Stockwell?
West Side Story, Sondheim and Synchromysticism?
Starring Russ Tamblyn as Riff
West Side Story (2021)
Not that I have ever seen 'The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm' where Russ plays a "woodsman" and Tom Thumb, but I found it amusing that "The Woodsman" are the bad guys in the 'Twin Peaks' series:-)
Starring Russ as a woodsman/Tom Thumb
'The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm' turns 60 years old this year, which means it was released in 1962 the Year of the Water Tiger:-)
Why would Russ star in this piece of s#!t in 1969 of all years?! 
I think we all know how things went down in 1969 
Hollywood, don't we?
Oh, and Leo was born in 1974, the Year of the Tiger ... ironically:-)
Scream Free! the 1969 movie
Russ Tamblyn
Starring Russ Tamblyn
I thought Russ said he retired from acting around the time films such as 'Easy Rider' hit the big screen.
Although looking at those '69/70s trailers he may be right there when it comes to his "acting":-)
Russ Tamblyn as Luke Sanderson
At one point in the podcast Russ tells Alec that he may have encountered a real ghost on the set of 'The Haunting' and Alec tells Russ how her believes that he confronted a ghost in his own home once and how he has trouble sleeping ... and this was before the shooting on the set of 'Rust'.
I guess Alec sleeps even less now - 
Rust and Good Bad Luck?