
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

February 25, 2014

Games Wide Shut? The Disappearing Magic Circle?

Notice the double-headed bird on Putin's shoulder ^ ?
Red Cloak the life of the party
 in "Eyes Wide Shut".

Babies, beers and bear hugs: 

smiling Putin goes on the Sochi

 charm offensive.

Red Cloak with two Blue Cloaks?

You Might Want to 

Shut Your Eyes 

in this Toy Store?

Dancers make the Olympic rings

at the Sochi closing ceremony

"Not without humour ... The closing ceremony was not all pomp and circumstance, with a little levity injected when dancers referenced the opening ceremony Olympic ring blunder."
Magic circles is concept used in
ritual magic
 during invocations

The placement of the people in this scene
recalls magic circles

Right: A magic circle as pictured
in an ancient grimoire.
"The last scene of the movie takes place at a toy store – a place full of highly symbolic items. Here, Helena Hartford walks by a toy called Magic Circle – showing that the occult elite’s ways seep through popular culture but are not noticed by those who have their eyes wide shut."
The Hidden (And Not So Hidden) Messages in Stanley Kubrick’s “Eyes Wide Shut” (pt. II)
" After the four rings fully opened- this time formed by a group of humans sporting colourful, glittering white dresses - the fifth ring remained closed for a good number of seconds during the closing ceremony Sunday night, making every onlooker catch their breath, as if to say, 'no, not again!' "
Sochi Winter Olympics 2014: Closing Ceremony Makes Fun of Opening's Ring Malfunction.

Pussy Riot members detained 

by Russian police in Sochi.

"Pussy Riot member Nadzehda Tolokonnikova tweeted she had been detained and accused of robbery.
"We have been arrested... and are accused of robbery," she wrote on her Twitter account.
"When we were arrested, we were not performing any kind of action, we were just walking around Sochi." "
"You will kindly remove your mask."

February 23, 2014

Always Record: Episode 79: A Place on Earth

Always Record: Episode 79
 WARNING: Adult concepts and course language in podcast.

02.20.14 Episode 79: A Place on Earth 
(with Paul Rovelli and Kevin Halcott)

Paul Rovelli (aka Frater Apollonius) and Kevin Halcott join Alan to discuss the opening of the Gnostic Church of LVX. Gnosticism, Thelema, Kabbalah, religious hierarchy, and esoteric orders are the topics of the day.
References: Gnostic Church of LVX fundraiser . . . Church of LVX Facebook page
Link to this Episode
I am NOT a member of this church, by the way.

Wolf Creek 2

I saw Wolf Creek 2 the other night at a preview screening and saw one of the biggest movie ads in the local newspaper ever for it.
It covers two full pages.
The paper the ad was in
I had only just been telling people that two things I would like to do this year is cross the Australian desert by train and learn to play the harmonica.
Well, this film has given me nightmares about doing both now.
If you didn't like the first Wolf Creek then stay away from this one, because it is a lot worse.
Beats me how it only got an MA rating, while The Wolf of Wall Street got an R rating.

Oh, Blow it! 

Who am I Kidding?

Up Wolf Creek without a paddle?-)

February 21, 2014

Precognitive Plane Crash?

I read this interesting post yesterday at Rob and Trish MacGregor's blog -
Synchrosecrets .com

Tuning in?

"Our dog park is across the street from the Aero Club, a suburban community where many houses have hangars and the private airstrip is now paved. 
The flight path to that runway brings many types of planes directly over the dog park.
On February 17, when Rob and I were at the park, an experimental plane – 
like the one depicted above - 
came in very low over the park and dog owners peered upward or ducked. 
Yeah, ducked. 
It was that close. 
Rob said to some people nearby,
“Did you hear about the plane that crashed here?”
What?” I asked. 
“Oh, you know, that plane that crashed four or five years ago. 
It’s going to happen again.”
Two people had died in that crash, a man and a woman who had left behind two small children. 
But I was struck that Rob initially referred to it in a way that led me to believe there had been a recent crash.                
The next  morning, the 18th, I dreamed that the
Palm Beech International Airport had changed its flight paths so that planes now came directly over our house. 
In the dream, I saw a twin engine plane lying perilously low and headed straight for our house. I could hear its noisy engines and thought, My God it may hit us.
It didn’t, though, and I woke up and walked out into the kitchen, eager for coffee and food. Rob eventually joined me and I told him about my dream. 
Then forgot it.
At nearly one this afternoon, Rob and I were waiting for a call from Whitley Streiber
We were going to be doing an interview with him about
The Synchronicity Highway.   
Our windows were open, the air here has been cool, and I heard this shrieking chorus of police alarms and commented on it to Rob.
Then we did our interview and I forgot about it until I received a text message from a Karin, a woman I know from the dog park. 
She asked if I’d heard about the plane that had crashed across the street from the dog park. The pilot, she said, was killed. 
It was the experimental plane that had flown in so low the other day. 
The pilot flew for American Airlines and was a friend of our neighbor, 
who is also a pilot for American. 
Precognitive? "

February 17, 2014

Bad Moon

The Bad Moon comic is published!

My friend in the land of the UK(e) has just created his own graphic novel available for download here for just $4 something (Australian)
King Uke's Store
 It's based on his best selling (3 sales, one each song;-) song trilogy with El Pancho.
And once he has moved all of these out of his basement he has promised to bring out a line of merchandise to celebrate not having to hand his house back over to the bank;-)
The critics (me and myself) are saying that it is even better than Tokyo Zombie.
I've decided it's time to put my life into a graphic novel story-line, too.
Here is the cover above;-)

February 11, 2014

My Philomena Spooky Syncy Sunday

I've been trying to get around to seeing the movies that are up for major awards at the 86th Academy Awards in March.
Philomena was one that I was luke-warm about seeing, but thought I had better hurry and catch a viewing before its cinema run comes to an end.
So I headed out to the Schonell twin cinema at the 
University of Queensland to catch the 3:45 pm session  
(the only one of the day).
The Schonell Theatre entrance.
Just remember to duck, or lose an eye;-)
That tree is almost a part of the building
 the way it is growing around it.
That stop sign should stop the Rush.
Hey, wasn't he in
 The King's Speech?

Aurora Consurgens 

(Horselover Memorial Edition)

Before I left to see this movie though a friend of mine posted a remark about the red cross on Katy Perry's chest in her performance at the 2014 Grammys early this year.
Poster display outside the cinema for In Bob We Trust.
Then I saw this movie was having its final screening today at the same cinema I was going to, but I had missed the boat, so to speak, because it was already playing by the time I found out it was on and this was the last screening.
When Father Bob had a show, Speaking in Tongues on SBS
I sent in a phrase to his church sign competition and got a mention.
It was a play on the words "presence" and "presents" in church at Christmas-time.
Graffiti under the theatre of past
plays staged at the theatre.
Philomena of course is about the true story of a young woman forced by the church in Ireland to give up her son for adoption.
Feeding the poor?
Walking back to my car after the movie I came across two magpies eating a hamburger bun in the gutter.
Then I hopped in the car and headed off to check out the recently opened bridge that brings buses, pedestrians and cyclists across the river and into the university's grounds.
Eleanor Schonell Bridge
(formerly called the Green Bridge)
during construction
 "Eleanor Schonell made an internationally recognised contribution to testing for dyslexia and was renowned for her generous and humane approach to life.
Her work with cerebral palsy children led to international recognition and she also contributed substantially to the education of children with intellectual disabilities.
During its conception and construction, the bridge was known as the "Green Bridge" because it was a sustainable transport initiative and since the naming many people have continued to call it the Green Bridge in preference to its official name."
Eleanor Schonell Bridge
 When I was walking up to the bridge from my car I stumbled across a strange statue.
St. Vladimir the Great
It kind of creep-ed me out, too.
"In Sweden, with the help from his relative Ladejarl Hรฅkon Sigurdsson, ruler of Norway, he assembled a Varangian army and reconquered Novgorod from Yaropolk
By 980 Vladimir had consolidated the Kievan realm from modern-day Ukraine to the Baltic Sea and had solidified the frontiers against incursions of Bulgarian, Baltic, and Eastern nomads. 
Originally a Slavic pagan, Vladimir converted to Christianity in 988 and Christianized the Kievan Rus' ".
Modern statue of Vladimir in London 
with the inscription "Ruler of Ukraine"
The Baptism of Saint Prince Vladimir,
 by Viktor Vasnetsov (1890)
The statue is almost in a mini forest setting under this huge tree and a few others.
This statue must have gone under in the Brisbane River floods a few years back.
If it didn't, I would be very surprised.
St. Vlad is in that clump of trees to the right
Oddly enough, even though I crossed the bridge between the statue of St. Vlad and the Dutton Park side at dusk, I couldn't help thinking how dark the Brisbane River looked from the bridge.
The statue of St. Vlad is in that clump of trees to the right.
"Sakhalin", means "black" in Manchu and is the proper Manchu name of the Amur River (sahaliyan ula, literally means "Black River").
Among the indigenous people of Sakhalin are the Ainu on the southern half, the Oroks in the central region and the Nivkhs on the northern part. 
Despite a long history tied to Asian roots - Chinese and Japanese - in August 1945, according to Yalta Conference agreements, the Soviet Union took over the control of Sakhalin
This Russian presence continues today."
When I got home that evening I saw the news about a Russian church shooting -
James Bond: Everybody needs a hobby. 
Silva: So, what's yours? 
James Bond: Resurrection.

Then I read a blog post by Loren Coleman about a few weird coincidences -
Darkness At Sakhalin: Another Russian Mass Shooting
Darkness At Sakhalin:
Russian Mass Shooting
I forgot to mention all the crows in the trees overhead of the statue, but for the record, I don't find crows creepy like a lot of people do.
I quite like these intelligent birds.
Crows are also related to the magpies as a species, so I have read.
"On September 1, 1983, the Korean Air Flight 007, a South Korean civilian airliner, flew over Sakhalin and was shot down by the Soviet Union, just west of Sakhalin Island, near the smaller Moneron Island; the Soviet Union claimed it was a spy plane. 
All 269 passengers and crew died, including a U.S. Congressman, Larry McDonald."
 007 and Judy Dench?
"On 24 October 2009, 21-year-old University of Queensland student Whitney Heuvel urged his friends to use a cellular phone to film him jumping off the bridge. 
Intoxicated, he misjudged the rails and fell awkwardly, resulting in his death. "
Daredevil student plunges to his death 
"University of Queensland student Whitney Heuvel plunged to his death from the Eleanor Schonell Bridge, connecting the university campus to Dutton Park, at 1am on Saturday to the horror of his close friend and flat mate who filmed the fatal stunt on a mobile phone.
He was due to celebrate his 22nd birthday the next day.
Mr Heuvel's father, John, said his son lived and died an adrenaline junkie, having previously jumped from Brisbane's Victoria Bridge."

Del Rey and the 

11th of May Syncs

Del Rey's left hand is tattooed with the letter "M", referencing her grandmother, Madeleine, and the word "paradise".
Her right hand is tattooed with the phrase "trust no one".
She also has the phrase
die young" tattooed on her right ring finger.
Angie and Brad have spent the last few months in Queensland, while Angelina has been directing her new movie at the Warner Brothers Studios on the Gold Coast.
This is the view of the bridge when walking to the Dutton Park side of the river.
It's very hard to see what's on the right-hand side of the bridge unless you make a special effort, and then I don't know how successful that would be.
This is the view that greets you as you cross the bridge on the pedestrian side.
But this is the view as you cross to the right-hand side (below).
The Dutton Park Cemetery
Graves everywhere, and you can walk right into the cemetery from the bridge.
This is what greets you on the cemetery side of the bridge, which means no pedestrians, as it is only for cyclists.
I also found lots of "Bird of Paradise" growing on the cemetery side of the bridge.

Sweet Bird 

of Paradox

These trees on the cemetery side are filled with Rainbow Lorikeets as well. 
Although you may have to blow up the photo to see them.
The thing that really blew me away though was on Monday morning I see in the news that the river Thames in London is about to burst its banks, just like the Brisbane River did in 2013 and 2011.

Interactive before and after pictures

 from the Brisbane Floods

The Queen's land floods?
You can see by the red rings in the above 2013 flood photo that St. Vlad and the graves in the photos above went under.
As noted above there is a statue of St. Vlad on the banks of the Thames also that could go under.
Royal washout: Swans and geese take advantage
the new lake that formed below Windsor Castle
Lapping at the Queen's doorstep: As floods hit Windsor, nearby villagers flee homes swamped by the swollen Thames
As it says in the Philomena poster right at the top of this post, director Stephen Frears also directed the movie The Queen.
I thought it was rather amusing that once the buses cross to the cemetery side of the river they have to travel underground.
I also noticed that before the bridge was here the only way to get across the river to Dutton Park was to pay the ferryman.
The Dutton Park ferry terminal, as seen from the bridge.

St. Philomena

Patroness and Protectress of the Living

Philomena Lee, the real-life woman
behind the hit movie
"Philomena Lee, the real-life woman behind the hit movie "Philomena," got an ending to her story today that even Hollywood could not write, a meeting with Pope Francis
Lee, 80, traveled to Rome at the invitation of the Vatican to meet the Pope, the head of the same Catholic Church that, six decades ago, forced her to give up her baby son for adoption by an American family because she was an unwed mother."
As one of the three writer's for the Philomena screenplay is named Jeff POPE.
 "Jeff Pope is a producer and writer, known for  
Philomena (2013),  
Pierrepoint: The Last Hangman (2005) and
Dirty Filthy Love (2004)."
(L-R) Actor Steve Coogan, Philomena Lee, producer Gabrielle Tana and Jane Libberton attend the premiere of "Philomena" during AFI FEST 2013 presented by Audi at TCL Chinese Theatre on November 13, 2013, in Hollywood, California.
Notice the four rings above at the movie premier?
Oops! Only four rings:-)
Born 7 October 1952,
or as Americans write 1
 Vladimir the Great
A scene from the Superputin comics
"Putin has cultivated a "he-man" and "superhero" image and is a pop cultural icon in Russia with many commercial products named after him.  He is currently ranked as the world's most powerful man according to Forbes."
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
Vladimir with George W. Bush at a pier
along the
Black Sea, in Sochi, 5 April 2008
So, what happened at the opening ceremony?

The Iceman Cometh

in March Sync

What I don't quite understand is why is there a statue of St. Vladimir and not one of St. Lucy, since the Queensland Uni is situated in the Brisbane suburb of St. Lucia?
St. Lucy at Saint Leonard
Port Maurice
in the North End of Boston
And Brisbane's Twilight Running Festival was blighted by a fierce storm last March, which took the life of a fun runner that was competing in the run in the Uni grounds at the time of the storm. 
I wrote a post on it last year - 
The Iceman Cometh in March Sync

Were These Posts a Premonition

of the Boston Bombings?

Oh, and the big tree near that statue of St.Vlad that I referred to earlier in this post is a Bunya Pine, if I'm not mistaken.
Bunya Pine?
So, looking to the cemetery side of the river from St. Vlad's point of view would be looking at a place beyond the pines, wouldn't it?-)

Moore Storm


UPDATE: 15 Feb, 2014.
In last Wednesday's Brisbane Courier Mail newspaper I saw this story about VLAD anti-bikie laws.
While I knew there was a big stink about police and politicians passing laws to go after bikie gangs, I never knew the official name was VLAD.
"If you ride like lightning you're
 going to crash like thunder
Still from Imagine Dragons
I'm on top of the World video.
Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment Act 2013?
It wouldn't take much to picture VLAD riding a Harley D along the freeway in a bikie gang, would it?-)
As I said further up in the post The Shining as a live play has been staged at the theatre and is among the plays graffiti-ed under the cinema/theatre.
In the Imagine Dragons clip for I'm on Top of the World,
The Shining imagery is scattered throughout the clip, in fact the bikie rides along route 237, which is the famous numbered room in Kubrick's filmed version of Stephen King's novel.