
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

April 7, 2020

National Beer Day (United States)?

Tiger Beer
I wonder if Australians are allowed to celebrate 'American National Beer Day' today?
I'd never heard of this day before, but it sounds a day worth celebrating to me.
So, I'm going to gate crash the party (metaphorically of course, since we Aussies are in a sort of self-isolation, with the pubs shut, but bottle-shops open, and no partying allowed) and grab a beer and say cheers.
"National Beer Day is celebrated in the United States every year on April 7, marking the day that the Cullen–Harrison Act was enacted after having been signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on March 22, 1933.
This led to the Eighteenth Amendment being repealed on December 5, 1933, with ratification of the Twenty-first Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
April 6, the day prior to National Beer Day, is known as New Beer's Eve."
I just wish I had have known it was 'New Beer's Eve' last night.
The Wildest Story You'll Never Believe?
I'll be marking next year's calendar for sure:-)
Guess Where I Was Today?
I saw tiger at Australia Zoo on March 25th, 2020:-)
WTF(?), as if the world ain't crazy enough already?
An advert in my local Australian newspaper on April 3rd, 2020
I've got to make an essential beer run now, as I realized I don't have any beer at home, just wine.
Happy National Beer Day America.


  1. I love Slim Dusty! My husband had a scientific conference that he attended 20+ years ago and brought home the 50th anniversary album. The first time through I thought it was really corny but Tom said it would grow on me. Two months later I was laughing and crying and singing along.

  2. I have not watched this tiger show or ever heard of"new beer's eve".
