
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

December 31, 2011

Happy New Year. Here Comes 2012 ... Ready, or Not. Buckle Up for a Wild Ride

Another design I modified into
a t-shirt a couple of years ago
Happy New Year to everyone who stumbles across this blog, whether on a regular basis or an occasional ... or even single visit. 
2012 I feel will be a major turning point for us humans ... but I don't think it will be the end for all of us, but like any year that goes by, for some of us it will be our last.
The key is to make every post a winner and every day special.
Maybe we should leave the Christmas tree up all year round to remind us that every day should be approached with the Christmas spirit in mind. 
I've got the bottle of Moet in the fridge and in a little more than twelve hours will be welcoming in 2012 with all of its possibilities and challenges.
I'm excited.

Wednesday at Woodford

The nightly puzzle that is constructed over the week at Woodford
I had a great day up at the Woodford Folk-fest on Wednesday.
No real major synchronicities, although a few synchronicity seeds may grow into something big from this day at Woodford ... well that's the "feeling" I have anyway.
Now, how is this? 
I was trying to sum up my thoughts of the photo that I put up at the top of this post, that I took on my cell phone of the giant puzzle that they add a piece to every night at the Folk-fest.
And I was listening to this podcast at the same time,
and Alan says,"the mind is a vast landscape full of mysteries beyond our imagination ... a universe within itself" and I thought that was a perfect summary of how I wanted  to describe that puzzle, since I had almost felt this was like a snapshot of my mind with all those symbols such as the goldfish, shaman drum, 
question mark/golden spiral, key, boomerang, bird, musical note and butterfly.
Which I might elaborate more on in a future post.
This puzzle parade was done just before the main act of the night, Gotye, who performed in front of 6000 people at the amphitheater at Woodford. 
This guy is good.
Gotye on Wednesday night
I also saw Buffy Sainte-Marie who wrote the song 
Up Where We Belong, that she is performing in the You Tube above. 
Buffy and her band got a standing ovation at the end of the performance and rightly so.
It was a great day and Woodford is marked on my calendar for next December, too.
A photo I snapped of Buffy Sainte-Marie singing
at Woodford on Wednesday
 More posts on Woodford Folk-fest to come soon.

December 26, 2011

Animal Dreaming at 40

The Abundance card from my
Animal Dreaming Oracle Cards
The painted telephone pole outside
my house which is at number
 I was flipping through my Animal Dreaming Oracle Cards, which I have never really had a thorough look at, and was amazed when I realized that the Grey Kangaroo that I wrote about in Scott's  
Animal Dreaming book herein the post linked below,
Animal Dreaming (Grey Kangaroo)
was card number 40!?!
My front door with the 40 on the panel
And isn't that a Nine Kinds of Naked type Golden Spiral in the top right hand corner of the card?
Plus the painting on the pole was done by someone named Kelly.
The Greatest Show on Earth ... Now Showing 
Life is stranger than fiction.
For me anyway.
My Animal Dreaming Oracle Cards

December 24, 2011

Total Page-views 2424

Total Page-views 2424
Bit of a coincidence that my total Page-view counter reached the above number on the 24th of December 24/24 and also contains my father's old taxi cab number of 424.
Which I have written about quite often on this blog.

December 22, 2011

Hibiscus Sync

My Hibiscus plant in full bloom today
Just as my little Hibiscus tree starts to really bloom with some magnificent foliage like the photo I took of it today (above), it has to move, or die, in a few weeks time.
The garage is being built into a bedroom for my son and half of the garden has to make way for a carport. 
Unfortunately the Hibiscus has to move.
My "Bird of Paradise" and Hibiscus, which both have to go.
And so does my lovely bird of paradise plant, which has taken years to get just right after transferring it from my other house to this present address.
The "Bird of Paradise" "Coincidence"
And not only do they have to move, but so do I.
My little computer room has to move into my son's old bedroom at the other end of the house.
This all happens in early January, so 2012 will be a year of change in more than one way for me, right from the start.
Now for some synchros involving the Hibiscus.
Marina Petro's "Twenty-Three"
The other day when I was looking for some pictures of crow paintings for my post on "The Crow" in Google images, I came across a picture called "Twenty-Three" by Marina Petro.
I love this picture in so many ways that I will have to do a separate post on it to say why.
I was so impressed by her paintings that I decided to follow her blog to see what other great works were produced by her talents.
Her latest paintings involve the Hibiscus flower, which is timely for me.
"Red Pear and Hibiscus" by Marina Petro
 But also today I was talking to blogging friends about black cats,
like panthers and told them to check out a post I did in June called  
Jaguar Medicine Can be Good for Cat People
Well, what should be in the jaguar painting on that page? 
Yes, a Hibiscus flower.
Some intersecting ripples in a pond, and some other strange plants that also happen to be growing in my garden, but are in no danger of being moved.
Usually, these plants flower like
 the one in the
jaguar painting.
Oh ... and I just remembered what sort of car I hired for my wedding car all those years ago.
A white Jaguar.
Maybe that's like a white crow???
Check out Marina's Angel paintings book, if you get the chance.
I'll be buying a copy off her after Christmas.
I just love 'em.
You can see the whole book in a virtual flick through here;

UPDATE: Dec 22nd 2011.
Mike Perry just told me in the comment below that he just came across this picture (below) from John Bunker Fine Art.

Jaguar and Hibiscus

And wouldn't you know it? 
John Bunker also has done a painting of a "Bird of Paradise".
Talking about "Birds of Paradise", when I was out taking pictures of my flowers, a crow was crowing in the tree across the road and I tried to get a picture, but it flew off.
As I was searching the sky hoping for it to return my eye caught these four white birds 
(so high I couldn't tell what they were ... the birds were high, 
not me, just to clarify things a bit;-)
just circling around in the clouds.
I took a picture of them, but you might give yourself eyestrain trying to spot them.
Snowy white birds of paradise???

December 20, 2011

2012: A Time For Change

2012: A Time For Change is a documentary with a positive spin on the year 2012 for a change ... as long as we take this window of opportunity to act instead of just talk about it.
I bought a copy of this DVD a little while ago, and truly feel it deserves to be seen by a wide audience.
And don't forget to check out the extra features as well.

"We Didn't Start the Fire" by Billy Joel (something to think about over the holidays)

Reading a post 
The Fire
over at the Synchrosecrets blog sparked memories of this great song by Billy Joel. 
A song to contemplate over the holidays, while staring into all those fires.

Absorbing Orbs

My favourite "orb" photo that I captured and
find it very hard to dismiss as a lens anomaly
Three "orb" photos that I took at the
Byron Bay Writers Festival this year.
Reading Daniel Pinchbeck's book Notes From The Edge Times I came across an interesting chapter on orbs called Absorbing Orbs.
He writes,
"This summer, I visited Glastonbury, the New Age epicenter of England, to speak at a "Great Mysteries" conference about orbs. 
Orbs are best known as those mysterious balls of light that have appeared on digital photographs for the last fifteen years, though some claim they can see them with the naked eye as well. 
Orbs have spawned an enthusiastic subculture of people who believe the blobby wisps are not dust particles or lens anomalies, but angels, spirits, other-dimensional beings and so on. Although I am now an accredited orbs expert, I remain agnostic on the subject. 
In this area, one encounters the same difficulties in establishing a methodology as one does with other phenomena that float on the outer edge of cultural possibility, such as UFOs, crop circles, occult conspiracies, miraculous appearances of the Virgin and so on."
And he concludes by saying,"As a phenomenon, the mass interest in the orbs suggests we are going through another wave of "Spiritualism," a movement that swept the U.S. and Europe in the 1890s, bringing with it a wave of aura photography, levitating mediums and other anomalous events. 
Only the future will reveal whether the orbs reflect a deeper development of psychic awareness, or whether they are a fad that will soon trail off into the ether, from whence they perhaps came."
You can read the whole chapter by clicking on this link below,
Absorbing Orbs
The above photos were taken by me at the  
Byron Bay Writers Festival this year, and I felt a sense of profound spirituality at the time I took these photos.
While I wasn't aware visually of the orbs which appear in the photos, I did sense a presence around me.
So, to me even if it is just a lens flare, it captures the essence of what I felt at the time.
Like Pinchbeck, I would have to say that I am agnostic, too ... but leaning more toward the believing side of agnostic.
Before capturing these orbs, I thought the whole phenomena was total BS.
Below is the first photo in it's original size.

December 17, 2011

Stephen Wiltshire Draws Brisbane from Memory

Stephen Wiltshire drawing Brisbane from memory
Writing about great artists that have autism (see previous post)
Stephen Wiltshire was in my home city, Brisbane recently 
and over 4 days he drew this giant detailed picture of it from memory.
Stephen Wiltshire, (born 24 April 1974) is an architectural artist who has been diagnosed with autism, he was born in London, England, to West Indian parents. 
He is known for his ability to draw a landscape after seeing it just once. 
He studied Fine Art at City & Guilds Art College.
Part of Stephen Wiltshire's drawing of Brisbane

A Blessing and a Curse (Too)

I was over at Mike Perry's blog 67 Not Out reading this post;
The Red Balloon Coincidence Video
about two little girls both named Laura Buxton.
They didn't know the other existed until one of them decided to launch a balloon with a note saying who the owner of the balloon was and that it would be appreciated if the finder of the balloon could contact Laura Buxton ... and you probably guessed by now that the finder of the balloon was the other Laura Buxton
Watch the You Tube below to see how incredible this story is.
As by the reaction one viewer of this clip had, it's easy to write off such stories as scams or as he said "b#!!s#!t!". 
But it is my experience that things like this happen more frequently than this guy would care to comment on. 
Synchronicities are fascinating occurrences when they happen, but they don't always take you to where you think they are going to lead you.
Here's my story of what I thought was an incredible "coincidence" that happened to me yesterday in a long chain of synchs that are probably not finished yet.
Caiseal Mรณr and his Kookaburra friend.
Incidentally the photo of Caiseal above was taken from this website;
Wide Open Education
 featuring an article called,
 25 Famous Authors With Learning Disabilities.
He is number 23, which is one of my sync numbers.
 23. Caiseal Mรณr
"Bestselling Irish fantasy novelist Caiseal Mรณr is known for his
The Wanderers series and The Watcher’s trilogy. 
He’s created several music and spoken word CDs, and he is also famous for his autobiography,  
A Blessing and a Curse, which discusses his life on the autism spectrum. 
Before his autobiography was released, he kept his disability a secret from the public. 
He was diagnosed as a child, not speaking until he was four, and was taught to be ashamed of his autism, worried that he’d  
end up in a mental hospital if people knew. 
Caiseal still struggles with conversation as an adult, and he much prefers the written word, making his career as a novelist a good fit for him."
I wrote a post on the 24th July this year called  
A Blessing and a Curse
about a man whose work I greatly admire, Caiseal Mรณr.
The post's title was taken from the title of his autobiography about growing up with autism.
I've always felt compelled for some reason to get this book into the hands of a good movie director who might want to turn this book into a film.
The only one that came to mind was Sarah Watt, who had made a film that I loved called Look Both Ways, which I also wrote a post about here;
Look Both Ways
Unfortunately Sarah had recovered from one bout of cancer only to be taken by a second cancer that had developed in her body (I wasn't aware she had cancer again until the day of her death,
Nov 4th, 2011),
Sarah Watt (30 August 1958 – 4 November 2011)
Now that I've set the background for my chain of synchros, here they are - oops ... one more post to see where this chain started;
The Twelfth Insight”?
(I love the philosophy of this You Tube clip above, it really sums up my feelings about the role synchronicity has to play in people's lives ... unfortunately his books don't really inspire me that much at all.)
Yes, it started with James Redfield's book The Twelfth Insight a book that I didn't even really enjoy reading, oddly enough.
The day I saw this book on the bookshelf at Abraxas Bookshop in Byron Bay I had a strong impulse that this book was an important book and it would play a big part in my life.
I couldn't see why because I didn't even like  
The Celestine Prophecy
But I did end up buying the book on that strong gut feeling.
Unfortunately I thought it was a poor read as far as an enlightening read went ... so why the strong feeling about this book?
Well, a few months later it was announced Redfield 
was to headline the Byron Bay Writers Festival.
I took this as a sign that I had to go and take the book with me to get it autographed by James and maybe have a chat to him if time permitted, because I still admired what James was trying to do ... even if I didn't really like his books.
Unfortunately the festival was on a weekend I had to work and I had no holidays left to take and it was probably too short a notice to give to my employer anyway.
So there was no way it was going to happen.
But my employer was asking its long term employees to take some long service leave if they could.
At first I was outraged that they would even dare ask that we should dip into our long service leave.
It was then that a little voice in my mind thought this is perfect, take two weeks off as long as they agree to let you have that weekend off.
Well, they couldn't give it to me fast enough.
So I booked my tickets and booked accommodation and prepared for my weekend down in Byron Bay
I told a girl that I work with how I was going to take my copy of 
The Twelfth Insight and get James to sign it.
She then told me she had purchased a copy of his book Shambala from a second hand bookstore and loved it, and if I wouldn't mind getting James to sign it for her.
I said OK and took her book with me, but James got bitten by a spider in the US of A just before he was due to come out to Australia and had to cancel the trip because his doctor advised him not to fly.
I couldn't believe it, I had to go now because everything was paid for, and since I didn't have anyone in particular to see, I just went with the flow ... and had one of the most spiritual weekends of my life.
When I got back I asked my workmate if I could hold on to Shambala for a while and read it.
She said I could and she then asked if she could read  
The Twelfth Insight and if I had any other interesting books in my bookshelf I could lend her.
I asked her if she had heard of Caiseal Mรณr.
She had no idea who he was, so I gave her a run down on how I loved this book and how I had wanted to somehow get Sarah Watt to read it, and maybe make it into a film similar in style to  
Look Both Ways. 
She hadn't heard of Sarah Watt, or the movie Look Both Ways.
After she had finished reading The Twelfth Insight 
(she loved it, by the way) she started reading A Blessing and a Curse and I would discuss with her how I would love to see someone like Sarah turn this book into a movie.
She still had no idea what Look Both Ways was like, so I lent her my copy of the DVD I own of it, so she could watch it over the weekend.
I found out the day after that I lent the copy of Look Both Ways to my friend that Sarah had passed away the day I had lent the DVD to my friend.
On the Monday when my friend gave me the DVD back she told me what a great movie it was and that she could see Sarah making a good movie out of the book.
I told her that wasn't going to happen because Sarah passed away just before the weekend.
BUT ... here's the really weird synchronicity coming up -
When my friend was reading A Blessing and a Curse in bed one night, her partner saw the cover of the book and said to her with a start,
"Hey! I know that guy. I met him up at Harvey Bay a few years ago and we were friends, and just as he was to go overseas he was looking for someone to give a home to his cat, so I took it to look after ... that's how we have Orpheus ... that's the name Caiseal had given it".
So her and her partner still have the cat he had given her partner to look after, and she had never known about how he had come to acquire the cat until he recognized Caiseal on the book cover of the book she was reading.
Now you work out the odds of these coincidences occurring ... and you will probably need a good calculator to help you.
Then again it might just be easier to say "Complete B#!!S#!T!" and forget about it;- )
Who knows where the synchronicity path will take you?
Good luck? Bad luck? Who knows?

December 14, 2011

The Greatest Show on Earth ... Now Showing

Charlton Heston (center)
with Emmett Kelly (right)
This post is about the synchonicities between three posts, all from different blogs, but interconnecting with each other in various ways.
To get the synchronicities you will have to read through the three posts and then compare them.
I am sure if you do read through them all that you will be amazed.
The Royal Wedding of Polarities or Jack and JLL's (Al)chemical Romance

Look At All The Happy Creatures:-(

Charlton Heston as Taylor
Planet of the Apes
I wonder if there is a Kelly name
on that
NASA patch?-)

Emmett Kelly in need of a tailor?-)

The Evolutionary Triad

Bear in mind as you watch the trailer above that this blog is called 
"Just Watching the Wheels Go Round"
I am not suggesting that these synchros back up what is being said in the posts and make them true.
Just that it is weird how all these syncs seem to merge with one another.
Charlton Heston has his name on the Tombstone poster, having played a small role in the movie.
A page from the book Emmett Kelly Jr.
A page from the book Emmett Kelly Jr.
Emmett as the Tombstone Marshall in the real town where he had a house and lived. 
Considering that I bought this book on the same day as the post went up (April 28th 2011 ... and I can prove this through my Amazon account records if I have to) I think these synchros are pretty amazing.
And the podcast that started all this, if you would like a listen;