
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

July 25, 2014

From Vlad to Worse?

I saw this headline on the front of my local paper on July 23rd, 2014, and remembered back to my post about seeing the movie Philomena.
My Philomena Spooky Syncy Sunday
Sister Philomene Tiernan,was killed in the
plane crash July 18, 2014
Oddly enough, there was a Sister Philomene who was on board MH17.
Poster display outside the cinema for
In Bob We Trust.
Not only that, but Father Bob will be at the Byron Bay Writers Festival this year and hopefully I'll get the chance to meet him.
The St. Vlad statue in the St.Lucia
university grounds
Looks like my post was strangely prophetic after all.
I just wonder if there is more to come.
Let's hope not.


  1. This very strange sequence bodes well, I think for the writers' conference! Can't wait to read your posts about it.

  2. I think 'we' have enough problems at the moment - so go steady on your prophecies please!

    I didn't know anything about Father Bob previously - interesting, hope you get the chance to meet him.
