I could never call myself an Atheist, even though I wouldn't consider myself a religious person.
I guess as far as labels go, I would be considered an Agnostic, but an Agnostic who has no doubt that "God" exists.
But to me "God" is a mystery, not some man-made fictious Biblical figure.
If I didn't have some of the very weird experiences I've had throughout my life from about age 11 onwards I probably would have become an Atheist with some of the bad stuff I've seen in this world.
History of Atheist Day
The origins of Atheist Day can be traced back to a spoof story that was published on the internet in 2003. Atheist Day was originally about a fictional case of an Atheist who had decided to sue the government. The reason for the fictional lawsuit was a simple one—unlike all the major religions, there was no day for Atheists, to which the judge said that April 1st (i.e. April Fool’s Day) was their holiday. While this case was just a hoax, the story spread quickly and was actually accepted as fact. Although the day is best known to be an occasion for pranks, Atheists, in fact, claimed the day for their own as well. And then they did something very their style: they decided to claim it doesn’t actually exist, after all!
The origins of Atheist Day can be traced back to a spoof story that was published on the internet in 2003. Atheist Day was originally about a fictional case of an Atheist who had decided to sue the government. The reason for the fictional lawsuit was a simple one—unlike all the major religions, there was no day for Atheists, to which the judge said that April 1st (i.e. April Fool’s Day) was their holiday. While this case was just a hoax, the story spread quickly and was actually accepted as fact. Although the day is best known to be an occasion for pranks, Atheists, in fact, claimed the day for their own as well. And then they did something very their style: they decided to claim it doesn’t actually exist, after all!
If I had to pick a man-made religion that is close to my spiritual views it would have to be Buddhism.
It's also World Meteorological Day today and in my hometown of Brisbane the weather gods have really rained on the Atheist Day parade, just like in the start of the REM music video above:-)
You wouldn't know it was a SUNday here:-POr as we Aussies say G'Day:-)
My latest post contains what probably is the explanation for Atheist Day: