
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

March 17, 2025

There's No Place Like Home?🛫🏡🛬

From walking across the Golden Gate Bridge on my first day in the USA to flying over the Gateway Bridge while landing back in my Australian hometown of Brisbane yesterday, I can honestly say that Australia is the better country to live in for sure.
Flying home over The Gateway Bridge in Brisbane yesterday
Me touching the Golden Gate Bridge
on my first day in the
They're suicide nets you can see below the bridge
The USA is a nice place to visit, but I sure would not like to live there. 
Two weeks was more than enough for me, although I only saw the west coast cities of San Fransico, Las Vegas, Denver, Seattle, Portland and LA to be fair.
Seattle was more like home to me than the rest, only colder.
While LA was a very similar climate and layout to Brisbane and the Gold Coast, but I'm not a fan of LA to be honest.
Our room in The Roosevelt Hotel in LA:-)
And I have enough pictures and stories about my trip to America for many future posts to come.
I just have to figure out where to begin.

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