
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

March 24, 2025

โ€˜Snow Woke and the Seven Pronouns'?๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽฌ๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿค‘

A brutally honest review of Disneyโ€™s new movie?
I can't say that I'm a fan of woke adaptions of classic tales, and this one seems to be the wokest one of them all by the media hype over the last year or two.
When I was leaving LA this movie was about to hit the Disney owned cinema on Hollywood Blvd. and all the media buzz was about the low-key premiere planned for the film because of all the controversy surrounding the movie. 
I would have liked to have seen this movie at the El Capitain cinema just to say I had seen a movie there, but it wouldn't be playing there until I was back in Australia, and we didn't really have time to watch a movie at the cinema with all the other things we had planned to do in LA.
I can't say that I'm against "woke" movies as much as right wingers are, but neither am I for them as most left wingers are.
But for this one I'm with the 
right wingers and hope the movie bombs, as I'm a fan of the classic animated film, even with all of its PC faults of the time ... or perceived PC faults of the time.
I might wait until the movie comes to Disney+, as I don't want to contribute to the movie's BO takings directly, to be honest.
Maybe I'll go to my local cineplex cinemas and buy a ticket for another movie playing around the same time and then go in and watch Snow White instead, without adding to its Box Office takings:-)
And how ironic it is that they use the word KINGdom in a "woke" trailer for the movie;-)

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