
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

July 23, 2015

The Alternative News ProjectπŸ—žπŸ“°

I was handed this brochure above about the Alternative News Project last night at a NEXUS conference and thought I would do a post about it to bring it to people's attention.
The Brisbane Convention Centre
on GREY Street, too;-)
I attended the "Ancient Astronauts" tour that took place at the Brisbane Convention Centre, or BCEC for short, on July 22nd featuring Erich von DΓ€niken and David Hatcher Childress and was handed the above brochure when I walked in. 
It wasn't lost on me either that the Brisbane Convention Centre was on GREY Street and this show was about "Ancient Astronauts", or (grey?) aliens;-)
I can't say that I'm into the UFO phenomena all that much, but I loved watching the show 'Chariots of the Gods' every time it would come on TV when I was growing up in the 70s.
The show, and the soundtrack, would give me goosebumps, and the idea of intelligent life on other planets that may have visited this planet in the past, really struck my thinking of something entirely possible.   
So, I attended the lecture for old times' sake more than anything.
More about that lecture will follow in another post soon. 
Duncan Roads, the editor of NEXUS magazine
Before the lecture started though, Duncan Roads, the editor of
 NEXUS magazine gave a plug about his pet project, the 
Alternative News Project.
He basically gave a spiel about the ANP similar to what is written on the "About Us" section of the ANP site.
"It is fair to say, in this day and age, that the disconnect between mainstream media “reality” and what is really going on is getting to the point where many people in society are not being told the full story—about almost everything and anything. 
In geopolitics, we see media organisations such as Al Jazeera willing to totally fabricate events and broadcast them via BBC, CNN, ABC and other licensees. 
In what is needlessly called “alternative health”, we see the might of transnational drug companies steering government health policies as well as affecting personal sovereignty in the form of forced vaccinations, freedom of choice in the treatment of serious disease, and the right to be able to purchase health products of our choosing. 
In explorations of “fringe sciences”, including subjects such as the Expanding Earth theory or the Electric Universe theory, we see the unexplained anomalies regarding energy, gravity, electricity and biology, being ignored, suppressed or ridiculed. 
I believe that it is in the open-minded exploration of such anomalies, that we actually further our scientific understanding of our universe. 
In discussion of consciousness and the paranormal, we again see mainstream media reporting distorted versions of events, misreporting factual data, not reporting it at all, and again, outright ridicule (snigger factor)
The fact of the matter is that people want to know more about who we are as spiritual beings, about the role of consciousness in determining how we experience life, and the role our inherent beliefs have on how we live and treat other people. 
I believe that the vast majority of people on this planet want to live in peace and harmony with each other, and I also believe that there are forces at work, including the military-intelligence-industrial complex, that desire and profit from manufactured conflict. 
We live in an era where a growing number of people are stepping up to blow the whistle on illegal and suppressed information. 
Information they believe is in everyone’s interests to be made public. 
Unfortunately, despite the assurances of protection to whistle-blowers from world leaders, we actually see the opposite—the suppression and persecution of such people. 
And finally, we live on a planet where the way in which we live is dramatically affecting the entire ecosystem. 
Measurable levels of chemicals are found in the air over the entire planet—in the groundwater of every continent, and in the oceans everywhere. 
Why is it noble to focus on CO2 and energy saving, while ignoring the death, disease and destruction of our habitat and life forms, including our own? 
I have created the Alternative News Project (ANP), not as a vehicle to fight the current mainstream manufactured reality, but instead to provide a vehicle for like-minded, independent thinkers, to help create something new. 
Something better. 
Instead of endless searches on the Internet, we will bring you the news, every day, right across the spectrum of hundreds of non-mainstream news Topics. 
We have called it a Project, as it is not just about information—it is about the building of a global community through the distribution of information. 
The ANP is the first time that independent thinkers of the world (i.e. you) have a centralised location not only to see more of what is going on in your world than ever before, but where you also have the opportunity to send alternative news and information from anywhere across the globe. 
You are the real key to our project, because by receiving information you can inform others and by contributing your knowledge to us, we can broaden our scope of services around the globe. As such, the ANP is designed to be a community-based interactive news and information project by the people for the people."
Sounds like a worth while project to me.
If you would like to listen to more of what Duncan has to say you can hear him give a summary of what to expect in each forthcoming edition of Nexus Magazine at the 
RadioOutThere podcast site run by Barry Eaton.
David Hatcher Childress
Erich von DΓ€niken
More about my night at the "Ancient Aliens" talk will appear in a future post.
Meanwhile I have some wheels to watch;-)
Ezekiel's Wheel?
A wheel from one of the Mars rovers,
or landers
The Brisbane Wheel seen from the
entrance to the
BCEC theatre

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