
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

February 25, 2025

God Forbid ... Close Encounters, Drugs and NDEs? πŸ›ΈπŸͺ¦πŸ‘»πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™ŠπŸ‘½

I'm not a "religious" person in the traditional sense of the word, because I don't believe in the dogma and obvious myths contained in most religions, but I do think that there is a baby in the bathwater once you get past the BS (Official Belief Systems).
And I like to listen to a variety of podcasts about all kinds of Belief Systems, even modern day "Angel ladies" like Julie (who seem a bit too off with the faries for me) and even former "Angel ladies" like Doreen Virtue (who has really gone round the fundamentalist Christian bend lately IM{not so}HO).
Spiritual Narcissism?
I even listen to podcasts about UFOs, which to my ears are just full of so much BS at times, that it's just not funny ... it's hilarious;-)
But I do think that there is a baby in the bathwater in there somewhere as well.
Some of my recent podcasts on my Apple Podcast playlist
Close encounters of the religious kind: how God
and UFOs have both begun religious movements
One interesting podcast I stumbled across recently examines a lot of the subjects covered above and is called 'God Forbid'.
The 'God Forbid' Radio/Podcast show
It's a national Australian radio show, which airs a few times a week on the ABC.
I only started listening recently when I saw that Dr. Diana Walsh Pasulka, Professor, Religious Studies, University of North Carolina Wilmington, specialising in UFO and UAP religions was a guest on the show, which was uploaded to Apple Podcasts on February 14th (Valentine's Day AKA Ferris Wheel Day;-) this year in Australia.
I'm about to head off on the biggest overseas trip of my life with my youngest son and won't be back in Brisbane until St. Patrick's Day ... if all goes well ... ironically -
One Month Until I'm in Vegas with The Sharks? πŸŽ²πŸˆπŸ‰πŸ¦ˆ
Coffee's a drug too, right?-)

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