My bottle of Cooper's Stout |
Coincidence and Synchronicity
67 Not Out
Tonight, after getting home from work I grabbed a Cooper's Stout from the fridge and sat down to catch up with my favourite sites in the blogisphere.
I don't usually drink Cooper's Stout, for a number of reasons, the main one being that it is rarely available up here in Queensland by the case (it is from South Australia) ... and I like to buy a case of beer for the fortnight.
And it is usually a lot dearer than the regular beer up here.
But this week my local publican was selling it by the case and I decided to buy one.
A rare and delightful treat for me.
Anyway, I saw on my blogger dashboard that Mike had a new post up at his Coincidence and Synchronicity blog, so headed on over while taking a swig of my Cooper's Stout ... only to find this post ...
Tommy Cooper Pie Crust Coincidence
about Tommy Cooper!?!
"Just like that!!!"
How funny is that! Tommy Cooper could make me laugh without saying anything. I'd be in hysterics and my wife would wonder what on earth I was laughing at - she couldn't understand what I found funny.