
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

August 29, 2015

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ... and the Monolith?

I watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for the first-time last night and loved how Tim Burton paid homage to Stanley Kubrick in the Television Room scene.
It reminded me of Joe Alexander's latest BTTF video about the monolith and touching the screen.
BACK TO THE FUTURE predicts 9/11?
 The above shot from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory also reminded me of a lot of Alex Grey paintings for some reason.
"Oversoul" by Alex Grey
In 1989, Alex Grey painted
amazing work called “Gaia
This scene above from the same movie also remind me of the latest video by Halfasheep -
Wormholes - Shapeshifting Cherub Masonic Portal Builders - Wayne Herschel vs Optus
And check out the kid who travels through the TV and the shirt he is wearing with the skull on it.
The skull reminds me of the necklace I have hanging to the right of my computer that I bought from Alex Grey's shop years ago.

Skull Fetus

"The skull/fetus portrays linear time and indicates the temporality of life. 
Confronted by the constraints of time, every instant offers the capacity to realize our timeless existence."
Squaring the circle
I saw these scenes above from the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory of bulls-eyes which I thought was personally synchy, as I'm in the middle (bulls-eye?-) of reading a great motivational book named Bullseye, oddly enough.
And I have always liked the idea of a bulls-eye as a portal in an artistic representation of a portal for some reason.
217, 237, Darts and Bullseye Syncs
I also noted a number of portal type scenes throughout this version of Dahl's classic story of the chocolate factory.
Watch it for yourself and see what I mean.
Even the original scene of the TV room from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is worth a look.
Roald Dahl sure wrote some esoteric children's stories, and these movie versions seem to be no exception.
And on the subject of Dahl, check out my post about the partner of his granddaughter Phoebe who I wrote a few weeks back -
My Ruby Rose and the Giant Peach Synch
Ruby Rose and her partner Phoebe Dahl.
Christopher Lee as Wilbur Wonka.
I also thought it was weird to see Christopher Lee (who just passed away weeks ago) playing Wilbur Wonka to Johnny Depp's Willy Wonka in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
And step this way to read my post about a mad dentist who pissed the world off by shooting a lion - 
What is it with Dentists and Capturing/Killing Exotic Species?
What an arsehole that dentist was thinking a poor lion would make a great bullseye.

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