
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

July 7, 2024

Sheryl Crow Teams Up With "A Bond Villain" to Record His Song 'Digging in the Dirt' in 2024? ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ˜ธ

I was blown away when I saw that Sheryl Crow has recorded Peter Gabriel's song 'Digging in the Dirt' this year.
Unlike my old paranoid "mate" Christopher Knowles at his 'The Secret Sun' blog who considers Peter Gabriel some kind of Illuminati "Bond Villain", I see Pete as a great singer/songwriter and a pop cultural icon. 
But what would I know of the world, as I'm not some great "self-professed Synchromystic" writing books about how you can become one, too;-)
Ah, Chris[tKnowles is always good for a laugh, even if he is becoming the Doreen Virtue of the "Synch Community" (whatever that was?)  
And the song 'Digging in the Dirt' always gives me chills, as it was the song that came on my car radio as I was digging a grave for my cat, after he had been run over, sleeping in the middle of the road the night before -
Gabriel (Peter)
I've never met
Pete, or seen him sing live, but I have meet Sheryl and seen her sing live, so this collaboration between Sheryl and Pete blows my mind, just when I think my life couldn't get any weirder.
Knowles is starting to sound like a Broken Record to me lately;-)


  1. Brizz..... I've read Knowles' blog for a few years. He certainly needs to " lighten" up, he's getting way out there! Even Keel kept a sense of humor and awe.....I kinda worry for Knowles! I can understand him trying to make a few bucks here and there, but he has dug in so deep he's sort of boring!

  2. Yeah, he seems to be losing his grip on reality (whatever that is?) and drinking his own "Synchromystic" Kool Aid Dan.
    If I ever start sounding like him Dan, you have my permission to shoot me;-)
