
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

January 12, 2025

How is the Launch of Vegemite McShaker Fries and McOz Burgers Mainstream News?๐Ÿ”๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ˜‹

I read the above "news" story at the 7 News site last week and thought to myself how is this a "news" story?
Although after reading the 
"news" story I did buy a burger and fries on the way home from work on Friday:-)
Unfortunately, I've been fighting off a bad flu (maybe Covid?) since New Years Day and have lost my sense of smell completely, so it's a bit hard for me to judge the taste of food and drink without my sense of smell. 
I'll have to buy this order again when, and if, I get my sense of smell back.
I also stopped into the bottle shop and bought a 6-pack of Chinese beer, because it was in a 2025 Year of the Snake carry box.
I hope the coming Year of the Snake turns out to be better than this tail end of the Year of the Dragon.
Again, without my sense of smell it was hard to judge the beer, but it seemed OK to me ... considering I probably have something else in my body right now that originated in China;-)
I also thought it was amusing that if I removed the top half of the h on the fries packet it would be an n and would spell snake:-) 
A meal to die for?
Ben Frost is Dead
This all reminds me of a post of mine from 2013, the Year of the Snake -
Fries Wide Shut: More Ben Frost Art

UPDATE: January 12th, 2025
Now I realize why it's been so long since I ate chicken nuggets:-P
Episode 44 The Jungle
Ironically, the next book I'm to read is Upton Sinclair's 'The Jungle'.

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