
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

January 11, 2025

Hadrian the 7th and Trump the 45th and 47th? ✊✋✌😄👂

I was going to skip reading the novel 'Hadrian the Seventh' by the English novelist Frederick Rolfe, which is one of the 1001 books I'm told I should read before I die.
"Hadrian the Seventh: A Romance (sometimes called Hadrian VII) is a 1904 novel by the English novelist Frederick Rolfe, who wrote under the pseudonym "Baron Corvo".
Rolfe's best-known work, this novel of wish-fulfilment developed out of an article he wrote on the Papal Conclave to elect the successor to Pope Leo XIII."
But after listening to the '1001 Books' podcast episode on 'Hadrian the Seventh' I couldn't help thinking that this guy sounds a lot like Trump and how he thinks he can save the world:-) 
Episode 9 Hadrian the 7th
And then I saw the movie 'Conclave' and thought the author of that book must have read 
'Hadrian the Seventh' at some point ... at least the first half of it, that is.
Conclave (2024)
So, I decided to look for a free audio reading of 
'Hadrian the Seventh' on the net and found a You Tube where an AI voice reads the book as the words appear on screen, to some rather amusing results, I thought.
Hadrian the Seventh (1/2) 🥇 By Frederick Rolfe
I could imagine a narcissist like Trump writing a book like this, but instead of the main character getting assassinated in the end of the book, I'm sure Trump would have his character survive the attempt by just getting an ear nicked:-)  
Hadrian the Seventh (1/2) 🥇 By Frederick Rolfe
Trump's Bold Plan to Take Greenland?!
Now Pope/King Trump is even replacing his red ties with purple ones:-)
Maybe I should read 'American Psycho' before Trump f#cks the world up by declaring war on Greenland?-)
Why do the USA want senile old men running their country?

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