I don't often watch/listen to the Joe Rogan show, unless I see some news story about a celebrity who I find intriguing in some way.
Recently I watched two "Aussie" celebrities on the Rogan show, who I find interesting and who are both Catholics, I think, Russell Crowe and Mel Gibson.
I consider myself Catholic too, when it comes to being a member of the Church, but I'm a Liberal Catholic, which like Mel's Church is a break away from the current Roman Catholic Church.
Of course, I don't believe a lot of the dogmatic beliefs of the RCC, but a lot of Roman Catholics I know don't really believe some of those dogmatic beliefs either.
Mind you, I'm sure there are a lot who still do.
But Mel's views about his religion expressed in that Rogan podcast are very extreme to me, especially that BS about anyone who is not of his religion going to hell when they die.
Personally, I don't believe in such a place as hell, although I'm sure there are a lot of Catholics who still do.
I certainly believe in karma though.
But hey, I'm one of those "I'm spiritual, not religious" types anyway.
I watched 'The Passion of the Christ' again yesterday, because Mel said on the podcast that the script is written for the sequel, and filming should start next year.
I can't wait to see that movie.
I can't wait to see that movie.
Being an Aussie myself, I always find it hard to take seriously how someone who had an Australian accent as thick as mine, all of a sudden starts talking like an American (unconvincingly to me).
I know heaps of Aussies who have lived there longer than Mel and still talk like the Aussies they were when they left our shores.
Plus looking at his body language on the Rogan podcast, Mel doesn't even seem to believe the things he is saying.
Having read a few Allan Pease Body Language books I can't help thinking Mel is one good study of those theories when you watch his very nervous gestures in that Rogan interview.
I feel sorry for Mel, as he seems to be living in his own personal hell of nutbag fundamentalist beliefs.
And I don't like to see anyone lose their home to fire, like Mel did while he went down to film the Joe Rogan podcast.
And since I was reading/listening to the 1904 novel 'Hadrian the 7th' before and after watching Mel's interview, I wondered if Rus or Mel had ever read the book before?
Hadrian the 7th and Trump the 45th and 47th? ✊✋✌๐๐The woman who is in love with the Pope is Mrs. Crowe:-)
And Pope Hadrian is a chain smoker just like Russell is:-)
And Pope Hadrian is a chain smoker just like Russell is:-)
The Pope's Exorcist (2023) |
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