
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

January 6, 2025

The Saints and The Go-Betweens Recorded Their First Albums Next Door to My Nan's Place? ๐ŸŽค⏺๐Ÿก

I never realized that the recording studio next door to my Nan's old place (which are all long gone now) which I used to kick my soccer ball against their brick wall as a teenager, was where 'The Saints' and 'The Go-Betweens' started their recording careers.
Me (left) with my brothers at Nan's place
The Art of Pawel Kuczynski and the Music of The Saints
Window Studios, Brisbane
I only realized this last year when I heard a podcast featuring Ed Kuepper of 'The Saints' mention the old recording studio at West End.
The Saints/Ed Kuepper (S06/E27)
Can't say that I was ever a fan of either band growing up until the present day, but they do have a few good songs that I like hearing on the local radio stations of Brisbane from time to time, that have become classic songs in my hometown.
I am a big Bruce Springsteen fan though, and he did do a cover of 
'The Saints' song 'Just Like Fire Would', so it really does seem like a small world to me ... that just keeps getting smaller as I grow older:-)
Plus, the guy who owned the recording studio was named Bruce:-)
The Small World Theory?
Bruce Springsteen in Brisbane,
 Valentine's Day, 2017
Bruce Blasts BrizVegas


  1. Music is something people do:

  2. “Screw everybody, I’m doing my own blog, and I don’t give a flying F about who reads it or what they think about it.”
    That's exactly my feelings too Maria.
    But guess what, a ship load of people seem to be resonating with my blog, because I get a lot of traffic from all over the world from countries like Brazil, Singapore, the USA, Germany, Hong Kong/China and Russia.
    Of course, that traffic could just be bots or silent trolling f#ckwits ... or even Knowles minions having a read to report back to their "Synchromystic Guru" ... can you tell that I like taking the piss out of that narcissist? ;-)
    But like you say Maria and I agree with you, "I don't give a f#ck".
    Cheers and I wish you a happy 2025.

  3. I have a lot of personal synchs to tell you about when I finish reading your post Maria, but I'm only halfway through it at the moment and I have some things that need doing now.
    That is sad news about the passing of your friend last year.
    Especially on Knowles' sybil's (Liz Fraser's) birthday of the 29th of August.

    1. I posted a comment on your blog post.
      Approve it, or don't, because I don't give a F either way :-)
