
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

June 3, 2024

Sweet Child O' Mine?๐ŸŽ†๐Ÿšผ๐ŸŽ‡

Exit 24 singing Guns N Roses covers at Mayfair
This post is just one of those personal WTF(
?) moments that happened in my life recently, which left me scratching my head ... still.
On Friday the 10th of May the local high school was holding their annual Mayfair and I had decided to actually walk up the hill and take a look this year if the weather was fine, instead of just watching the fireworks go off from my backyard.
I wrote in my last post about buying Melissa Etheridge's 2001 bio -
 Who Do You Think You Are ... Because Sure Don't Seem to Know Either?
And that Friday lunchtime as I was working in the back of the Op Shop sorting through donations Melissa Etheridge was the guest DJ on B104 playing her picks for listeners like me out there in radioland, and for some reason one of those songs was Guns N Roses song 'Paradise City'.
And while that song was playing a young Mฤori lady who was working in the store walked past the radio and told me that she gave birth to that song?!
I said,"What, Paradise City?!"
Then she realized her mistake and said, "No, sorry, Sweet Child O' Mine".
I thought OK, maybe a bit too much information there for me, and that might be an image hard to get out of my head whenever I hear that song in the future, now:-)
Then on that Friday night the weather was fine, and I walked up the hill to the school to watch the fireworks go off, and who should be hosting the event but 
B104's morning crew DJ Margaux Parker.
Margaux Parker hosting the Mayfair fireworks
Corey Parker's wife dishes on
NRL great's gross wedding night act
And there was a band called 'Exit 24' playing Guns N Roses covers, and the last song of the night for the fireworks finale was ... you guessed it Sweet Child O' Mine.
That following Tuesday my eldest son called me and his brother to have lunch with him and his partner and presented me with a photo of my granddaughter, who is due to be born in November?!
I just hope she isn't born on November 11th or 19th, my old engagement and wedding anniversaries.

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