
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

September 14, 2024

David Attenborough's Life on Earth ... So Far?🐒ðŸļ🙈🌍 🙉🌎🙊🌏ðŸĩ

I picked up the
BBC TV series 'Life on Earth' for a few bucks at a Thrift Shop and watched all of the episodes and then listened to the 'Thrift Shop Biography Podcast' about David Attenborough's book 'Life on Air'.
My main motivation for watching the series was because of an old post I wrote about the director of Coldplay's music video using shots of Mt. Warning from the series 
'Life on Earth' -
Riders on the Storm?
Does that look a bit like Mt. Warning to you?
The North West face of Mt. Warning
I've also written about a dragonfly that flew into my house on Sir David's birthday of May 8 back in 2019, and I haven't seen one in my house since -
The dragonfly that flew into my home on May 8
But the kicker was my mother rang me while I was watching one of the episodes on my DVD and I told her I was watching a young David Attenborough and I mentioned to her that he is now 98 and I didn't know what his health was like now.
And she said to me, "Oh, I hear he is pretty active, as he walks and bike rides with your cousin's granddaughter Bethany most days, as she works as a nanny for his next-door neighbours."?!
Well, it sure is a small world in this life on Earth, not that I have ever met my cousin's granddaughter before or even knew that she had one, since my cousin is nearly as old as my mother, and I only ever see her at the odd family get togethers.
The Small World Theory?

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