
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

November 29, 2024

Ozmopolitan?๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿน๐Ÿฅ ๐Ÿ•

I went to see the movie 'Wicked' with my youngest son (he's 30) on Wednesday, as we had planned on seeing the movie 'Heretic', but found out it didn't start until Thursday. 
We were going to use the voucher my oldest son and his partner gave me to use for this particular movie chain and watch a movie in a premium cinema.
Since 'Heretic' wasn't on at the cinema Wednesday, we decided on seeing 'Wicked' instead.
We hadn't had lunch and seeing a movie on an empty stomach can be as bad as going grocery shopping on an empty stomach ... but maybe worse?
As I was paying for the movie tickets with my birthday voucher, I saw the Ozmopolitan menu displayed on the counter and told my son I'd shout him lunch.  
We shared a Margherita Pizza and ordered a desert each, and since he was driving, I ordered myself a 'Pink Goes Good with Green' cocktail.
Most Ozzies can't say no to a drink or two:-)
'Pink Goes Good with Green' cocktail
It seemed a bit different to the advertised menu at the bar, but it was OK, although a little bit pricey.
'Choose Your Destiny Delight'
Couldn't get a good picture of my desert without using a flash.
As for the movie ... meh!
You get half the story, and it ends when the Wicked witch flies off with the flying monkeys.
November 22nd seems a rather loaded date to release a movie?
Trump's second term should be well under way when the second movie is released, I would imagine -
Approximately 40 Primates Escaped from the Alpha Genesis Primate Research Center Wednesday Night?๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™‰๐Ÿ™Š๐Ÿ’๐Ÿต

UPDATE: December 1st, 2024

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