
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

November 7, 2024

Trump Was First Elected in the Year of the Monkey and His Latest Term as a President Should Come to an End in the Same Chinese Astrological Year ... if He Lives That Long? ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™‰๐Ÿ™Š๐Ÿ’๐Ÿต

Trump is a Fire Dog taking the American Presidency over in the Year of the Wood Snake (well 9 days before The Year of the Snake officially starts) and his presidency should come to an end a few weeks before the Year of the Monkey ends, which ironically for me that Monkey Year will start on Australia Day 2028:-)
That's if I have my maths right?
Let's not forget that the Twin Towers came down in the Year of Metal Snake.
Bowie died just before the start of the Year of the Monkey in the Year of the Goat:-)
It seems that the world is still cursed by Trump;-)
You sicken us’: Aussie billionaire Andrew ‘Twiggy
Forrest’s child Sophia slams US
I read a recent poll where 75% of Australians can't stand Trump, and I must admit that I'm one of them and kind of side with Sophia (even though I cringe at that woke They/Them PC BS, but still try to respect "Their" gender belief system by referring to "Them" by "Their" given name, rather than by a sexual pronoun).
Sorry, but to me a "They" or a "Them" is a group of people, not an individual, so I'll try to compromise by trying not to use a sexual pronoun and call the person by "Their" preferred "given name" as long as "They" haven't changed it to "They" or "Them".
Hey, I'm a Boomer and some things are just too hard for me to get my head around in these PC times, but at least I'm willing to meet halfway in our BS, which I'm sure a lot of Trump voters wouldn't. 
You'll have to blame my schooling for my belief system:-)
The Apple as a Symbol of Forbidden/Secret Knowledge? ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ
I should also mention that I got home from work and heard a tap, tap, tap coming from one shoe as I walked across my living room floor tiles.
And on examination found I had stepped on a monkey faced earring somewhere that day.
I'm glad that I was wearing shoes at the time:-)
Or I'd have been hurting like a Democrat right now:-)

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