
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

November 30, 2024

You Can Never Have Too Much Vegemite in Australia?ðŸĨĄðŸŒ

I bought a packet of Shapes Vegemite and Cheese buiscuits at an Australian supermarket recently, which were mainly in the shape of the Australian mainland, with the odd shape of the Australian state of Tasmania thrown in.
When you place the two shapes together though, they look more like a map of Africa:-)
As for the
Vegemite taste of the Shapes, I wouldn't know they were 
Vegemite flavoured, if I hadn't read it on the packet.
I even found a packet of 
Vegemite flavoured noodles at 'The Reject Shop', which seemed rather apt, as I couldn't taste the Vegemite flavoured noodles tasting like Vegemite either, until I put real Vegemite into the mix. 
And as much as I like 
Vegemite, do they have to try and put it into everything you eat or drink?
The KRAFT Has Been Removed From Vegemite?

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