
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

November 19, 2024

Synchronicity and The Hidden Hand in Jeremy Vaeni's Word Salad?✋✍⛅🛸📻🥗🦉

I found this
'Our Undoing Radio' podcast episode above while doing a search the other night in Apple Podcasts for 'synchronicity' podcast episodes, after I had done a search for podcasts featuring 'Mike Clelland' but coming up with no new podcasts featuring Mike that I hadn't heard before.
THE MELT #21: The World of Close Encounters?
Synchronicity And The Hidden Hand
Funnily enough, this podcast episode was uploaded the day before 
Mike Clelland's (AKA "The Owl Guy") birthday I noticed:-)
Metaphorically that's a synchromystic miss by something as small as a flea's dick, I reckon:-)
"The Owl is Like an Alarm Clock ..." Mike Clelland🦉⏰
I've heard the name Jeremy Vaeni before, but I don't know much about the guy himself or who he thinks he is.
He does mention his book below in that episode, so I guess he is some UFO bloke who flogs books at UFO cons.
Scrolling through his other podcasts I don't see much that interests me, but I did find Jeremy Vaeni's word salad of a podcast about Synchronicity and The Hidden Hand amusing on many personal levels.
About halfway through that episode Vaeni mentions people who see things in the clouds like dragons and such.
And funnily enough, next month I have a 'Neverending Story Luck Dragon' being tattooed on my right forearm, mainly because I turned 60 this year in the Year of the Dragon and have completed one complete cycle of the 5 elements of the Dragon zodiac ... and also in my mind, I could see a Luck Dragon in the clouds drifting over a Taoist temple not long after my father passed away - 
Something Strange Happened to Me on THE WAY out of a Taoist Temple
The Neverending Story (1984)
I guess you had to be there to see what I saw that day:-)
Or any day for that matter.
Plus 'The Neverending Story' turns 40 this year, as well:-)
I wonder if Jeremy Vaeni knows anymore about the subject of 'synchromysticism' than he does about 'synchronicity' and even 'UFOs' for that matter?
I doubt it very much.
Maybe he needs to get an expert about the subject on his podcast, like Christopher Knowles?-)
I would
imagine that Chris would make an interesting, if not an amusing guest to tell us all about the big bad universe and how it all works:-)
Keep that radio dish pointing out there 
Be quick to listen to those new 'MELT' podcasts, because they last about as long on the net as an ice block does in the desert, if the old show and podcasts are anything to go by. 
I think that looks like a dragon, but it's probably just smoke?-)
Oh, and while I'm writing about tattoos and personal synchronicity, I found the above book in a Springfield street library on the way to the only Brisbane Lions game I watched with my son all season, so far -
 The street library I found the book
in on the way to 
UnCANny Coincidence?🦁🍻
And I've written about this book before in this old post -
Opening Night at Zakay Glass Creations Gallery
I'm still yet to read it, but I'm planning a trip to Singapore next year when the country celebrates 60 years of independence, and going by the blurb on the back cover that's the country it seems to take place in.

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