
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

November 16, 2024

Off with the Fairies and The Spiritual A(s)F(airies) Life?๐Ÿงš

What do the Fairies from Doreen Virtue's Magical Fairies Oracle Card Deck say is in store for us this coming week?
To be honest I don't believe in fairies any more than I believe that the world is flat, that Adam and Eve is a factual story of how mankind started, or that Doreen Virtue knows everything there is to know when it comes to a "Spiritual AF Life":-)
Even Sir Arthur Conan Doyle got fooled by fairy tales back in his day.
Fairy Tale: A True Story (1997)
Off with the Fairies?๐Ÿงš๐Ÿ‘€
But I have nothing against people believing in
fairies ... or other imaginary friends, like Doreen still does ... as long as you ain't hurting anybody or condemning their soul to other wild imaginary places that you are trying to save your own ass soul from;-)
A few months back while sorting through donations in an Op Shop I saw someone had donated a cassette tape about fairies, so I paid a dollar for it and took it home to have a listen to see if there was a message from the fairies for me, but it was blank:-)
Someone had also donated a book of Grimms Fairy Tales and I bought that also.
There are some good lessons to be learned in fairy tales, but some people take their belief in fairy tales way too far, right Jinn Jenn and  Doreen?-)
I may not believe in
book fairies, but I do believe in the "Book Angel":-)
Moulin Rouge unaired footage from Green Fairy Scene
Although maybe I should have a drink and mull it over with a meditation?-)

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