
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

November 13, 2024

The Starbuck's Curse? 🧋🥤☕

I recently wrote a post about getting drenched on the 'Neville Bonner Bridge' when leaving the Brisbane Star Casino, while heading back to the car parked under QPAC where the stage show 'Wicked' (about the witches of Oz:-) was playing -
The bridge me and my son would get soaked on later
STARBUCK's at Southbank, Brisbane, Queensland.
What I didn't mention in that post was I had bought two cups and a 2024 Christmas ornament from the STARBUCK's store near the cinema after seeing 'The Moogai' and before crossing the bridge to visit the STAR casino (which was opened on the 29th of August, 2024;-).
Luckily for me and my son I took the cups back to the car, so I wouldn't have to carry them around the casino with me, or all the spirits that scare the crap out of Knowles may have joined forces to drown us both in the Brisbane River that night;-)
The Moogai (2024)
There's even a trickster kookaburra on my cup:-)
As I sit here this morning drinking coffee from my STARBUCK's coffee cup and contemplating Knowles Laws, I realize just what a sinner I am and how lucky I am to have escaped a drowning in the Brisbane River that night:-)
Ironically, I just realized that 'The Moogai' is distributed by Umbrella Entertainment ... and we sure could have used an umbrella on Sunday ... although with all that lightning around, maybe not:-)
My STARBUCK's cup and my son's STARBUCK's cup:-)
But I guess I'll never learn, as my son has promised to take me to have a drink at the first STARBUCK's store that was opened, when we head to The United (?) States next year.
He has already been there and lived to tell the tale:-)
I'll have to pick up a STARBUCK's cup in Vegas next March;-)
Demons, Starbucks,
and the Jezebel Spirit
Even Doreen Virtue's Fundie mate at the 'Ex-Psychic Saved' podcast doesn't seem as worried by STARBUCK's as Knowles is, although everything else including her shadow seems to scare the socks off her Fundie feet:-)
Do the Dead Visit Us in Our Dreams?
I don't know why Knowles reminds me of Doreen Virtue lately;-)
At least they are both good for a laugh, I reckon

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