
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

November 27, 2024

Vale Christopher O’Brien?๐Ÿ‘ป

I saw the
sad news in a rare Twilight Language post at the 'Watching the Watchmen' blog from my old mate Loren Coleman of the passing of 
Christopher O’Brien, whose book 'Stalking the Tricksters' I bought and read about 12 to 13 years ago and mentioned in this old post -
'Stalking the Tricksters' was the only book I've read of Christopher's, as I'm not really into the cryptid crap that he and Loren were into.
If my blog posts used to drive Loren crazy in the old days, then he would have ended up in the looney bin reading the copy of Christopher's book that I had:-)
I see by looking back through my blog that it was also in the Year of the Dragon that me and Loren had our big falling out, so that's one cycle of the Dragon this year, or one revolution of Jupiter around the sun:-)
It's interesting looking back over those 12 years and wondering just where all those syncheads are now? 
Searching for the Sync Community?
Oh, and I see that today is Bruce Lee's birthday, and he was born in the Year of the Dragon, like I was, although he is a metal dragon and I'm just a wood dragon:-)
Whitley Strieber, Bruce Lee and the Two-Way Mirror Analogy

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