
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

November 28, 2024

A Beautiful Day or Complete Bollocks?🦋 ⛅💩

I bought two little "motivation" books from an Op Shop recently, one was a new-agey book published in 2004 called 'A Beautiful Day' by Lynn Champion.
And the other was a little book that seemed to be taking the piss out of little books like Lynn's by a "comedian" named Alistair Beaton who published a book called 'The Little Book of Complete Bollocks' around the end of the 90s. 
Alistair was more likely taking the piss out of 'The Little Book of Calm'since he does mention it in one of his motivations:-)
I was thinking that maybe Lynn should follow up her 'A Beautiful Day' book with another book using colourful moths instead of butterflies and call it 'A Beautiful Night'.
Moth or Butterfly?🦋🔍
Moths are Yin to the butterfly's Yang to me.
Ironically, the day I spotted the
moth in my backyard was the day that I was telling my son about the tree guy I had hired to clear out most of the tall trees in my backyard, so I could plant a more manageable garden, and was also the day we were dumping my old armchairs at the dump, to make way for his couch, as he was moving in with me.
I wrote about reading such books in my backyard a few years back, but now the jungle has gotten out of hand and new fences need building as the old ones fall apart -
It's going to take a good 6 months to rebuild my garden I would imagine.
Before and ...
It certainly will be interesting to see how many moths and butterflies fly in my backyard in the next 6 months, now that it looks deforested.
... after
I guess life is all about transformation ... day or night?
I might have to place a yellow brick path through the backyard?-)
I found that 'The Little Book of Complete Bollocks' mainly sucked and wasn't very funny at all.
More sucky advice from 
'The Little Book of Complete Bollocks' 
I ended up giving both books away to
a street library down the road in an act of decluttering my home:-)
I bought this recently, so it's just one more thing to
down the road, along with my books, I guess?-)
KLUTZ For Life?

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