
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

November 27, 2016

The Bridge Between Two Worlds?

I came across an interesting bunch of talks by Robert Waggoner on the subject of Lucid Dreaming, just as I started reading Joe Hill's (Stephen King's little boy) novel NOS4A2, which to me seems to be a story more or less about a lucid nightmare dreamland, which interacts with the real world.
I bought NOS4A2 last year and planned to read it last Christmas but lent it to my eldest son to read and didn't get it back until last month, so I'm only 24 pages in but I love the way Joe throws up powerful imagery in his writing, whether he knows he is doing it on a conscious, or unconscious level, or a bit of both. 
The book has wonderful illustrations (see the drawings above) by Gabriel Rodrรญguez throughout the book.
I first heard Robert Waggoner talking about the subject of lucid dreams on Noah Lampert's 'Synchronicity' podcast show, where Robert did two podcasts with Noah.
Jeff's work is more focused on active imagination more than lucid dreaming, but the question I find fascinating is where does active imagination end and lucid dreaming begin?
"The Hermit (Virgo) corresponds to the Third Eye. 
The Hermit archetype helps us connect with our inner wisdom through life reviews and acknowledging the lessons of the past. 
The Hermit then shows us how to shine our light of deep understanding in the world as guides, counsellors and teachers.
As you may well have guessed this is also a card of being alone and isolated. 
The isolation can be self-imposed but this is not always the case.
The energetic focus of the Hermit card is inner. 
Perspective is gained through careful analysis of past events. 
Withdrawal is necessary for this and sometimes we deeply desire to ‘hermit away’ to catch up with ourselves. 
This is a deep human need that must be acknowledged, especially in this day and age when we are expected to be available 24/7 due to technological advances."
Talking Lovecraft with Peter Levenda
I also just listened to Gordon White talk to Peter Levenda about Lovecraft's and Crowley's works, which to me bridges on the subjects of active imagination and maybe as well some lucid dreaming when these authors wrote the books discussed in the podcast above. 
This is all fascinating stuff to me and worth pondering and exploring.
Anyway, back to my Christmas reading and I hope it doesn't give me any nightmares leading up to Christmas Day.
I've got nothing to worry about though as I'm sure I'm on Santa's "good list":-)

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