
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

December 14, 2024

Meeting the Dreaming in The Hidden Experience?🌎🌏🛸🦉👀

I had not heard of 
Shayla Paradeis until I had listened to the latest 'Hidden Experience' podcast on Thursday night (Australian time),when it dropped on my Apple Podcast playlist.
Although nearly everyone in Australia has heard of Shane Howard, who is in both videos above.
He is known mainly for the song 'Solid Rock', which is played on mainstream rock stations in Australia quite often, even today.
I did not know until looking Shane up on Wikipedia for this post that he was born on January 26th, which ironically is still the official date that 'Australia Day' is celebrated on by most Australians, including me.
I'm all for changing the holiday to the first Monday in February, like how the Melbourne Cup holiday is always on the first Tuesday in November, so there is no fixed date, but until it's changed, I'll still celebrate the day on January 26th.
Shane Michael Howard AM
(born 26 January 1955)
14. Shayla Paradeis
Wilderness, healing
, and owls
I liked how Shayla confesses to Mike that her spirit/totem animal is the great grey owl.
And there are no prizes for guessing what spirit/totem animal Mike ("The Owl Guy") has ... even if I'm not sure what kind of owl his is;-)
Being a crow person myself, the owl (especially the Powerful Owl) has always eluded me in the wild, like it is playing some kind of cosmic game of hide and seek -
Crow/Butterfly Medicine?💊😷
Shayla "Kiddo" Paradeis
The bizarre thing is (and I'm not kidding about this Kiddo) I go to work at the Op Shop Friday the 13th, and as luck would have it, someone donated a shopping bag of cassettes, CDs and VHS tapes, which I had to sort through, and what do I find in there but a double CD of 'The Wilson Pickers', so I bought it, as I hadn't heard their 'Shake It Down' CD before.  
I see at their Apple Music site that they released 'Shake It Down' on July 2nd 2010, which just happens to be 'World UFO Day':-)
'Shake It Down' The Wilson Pickers (2010)
I'm not into UFOs like Mike is, but I am big on birds and signs from "the universe".
And why does the year 2010 (the year that the Wilson Pickers released 'Shake It Down') seem familiar to me?-)
I Said I Would Listen to This Interview Again at a Later Date ... and I Did, Today?😀👂
I guess that you can't dig up the past with a bulldozer?-)
Shayla reminds me of an American Kasey Chambers for some reason.
Life is Not a Dress Rehearsal ... So Go with the Flow?
I was thinking of Mike when I was reading Shirley MacLaine's 2000 book about walking The Camino and was wondering how he would go walking it ... and if he would spot any owls/UFOs while doing so?
Afterall, Shirley was older than Mike is now when she walked it:-)
The Way, My Way, By May ... the 4th?🥾🥾
Now there is someone I'd like to hear Mike interview about her walking The Camino and her belief in UFOs, life and death.

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