
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

December 6, 2024

"Why 'blue and green should never be seen' is outdated, absurd and just plain wrong"?🌊🧹

Jake's new synch video about blue and green made me think of the old saying that "blue and green should never be seen together".
Arabella Youens investigates the old adage that
'blue and green should never be seen' —
and finds that it's simply not true
Also, when I saw a black actress playing the green witch in 'Wicked' I told my son that it reminded me of an old joke that did the rounds of my primary school, where a group of white skinned passengers on a bus were fighting with a group of black skinned passengers as to who should be sitting at the back of the bus.
And the white skinned bus driver pulls the bus over to mediate the argument.
The driver says to the passengers, "let's stop fighting over skin colour and imagine that we are all the same colour ... say green", to which all the bus passengers agree to.
And just as the driver is about to return to his seat and drive on, he says, "now all of you dark green passengers get to the back of the bus":-)
Unfortunately, humans will always find something to fight over.

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