
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

October 12, 2017

SchrΓΆdinger's Parrot and the "Nature" of "Reality"?

I don't really buy the Schrodinger's Cat theory, but I will concede that there is a lot more to "reality" than meets the eye.
I take a lot of notice of nature, especially birds and cats.
Lately cockatoos have flown on to my radar ... a lot.
Cockatoos are smart birds, as people teach them to talk and keep them as pets, but I don't think that they are anywhere near as intelligent as my favourite birds, crows, magpies and butcher birds.
But since August this year wild cockatoos have got my attention, because I moved house and where I have moved to has a lot of wild parrots and cockatoos flying around and squawking.
The weird thing is though that I bought a bird calendar at the beginning of 2017, which featured a rainbow lorikeet on the front of it, which got my attention.
Is 2017 Gonna be a Year for the Birds?
Rainbow lorikeets aren't really my kind of bird, but they are fun to watch and they were my ex-father-in-laws favourite bird when he was alive.
He used to feed them from his back veranda everyday and when he died there was some very bizarre synchronicities surrounding rainbow lorikeets, like he was trying to send a message to his family through these birds.
The only reason I bought the bird calendar was because the rainbow lorikeet was featured on the month of October and he had passed away on October 30th, so I thought OOOKay that's a bit of a personal sign for me, so I had better buy it.
I was renting a unit at the start of 2017 had no idea I was going to come into a lot of money when my mother decided to sell the family house and downsize to living in a unit because of her declining health and divide the money between her kids.
I was going to keep renting the unit I was in until November when the lease ran out and then probably move to New South Wales, but the couple that owned the unit I was renting decided to sell it around June, so now I had "open houses" every Saturday and potential buyers coming through all the time in a place I was trying to live in, so I thought f#ck renting and bloody landlords and real estate agents I've got the money to get out of this rent game, so I will.
So I gave way and decided to buy my own townhouse and kiss the landlords good-bye (but not in a Harvey Weinstein kind of way).
The thing is the unit I bought was being rented out, so I couldn't move in until the tenants moved out, so I was now an unwitting landlord and renter at the same time while the owners of my rented unit were selling the unit I was renting from under me.
It was like a three way street where I was trying not to have a collision in the property market and lose money.
The months of June, July and August were a nightmare in the home owning/moving stakes for me, but it all turned out alright when it could have went so wrong.
I wasn't going to be able to get into my new home until late September, early October, but one afternoon I was sitting out on my rental veranda and a flock of cockatoos flew past heading for the place I had bought and I wondered if this was a sign that I'd be moving into my new home sooner than expected ... like August where there was a picture of cockatoos on my calendar?
I had another calendar on my kitchen wall of drawings of powerful owls and my favourite drawing in it was of a family of owls in a tree, which to my mind meant home.
And sure enough my renters moved out the last week of August and I did some work on my new place and moved in on the first week of September, as buyers bought the unit I was renting and wanted to move in, so I was able to mutually break my lease and lose no money in the bargain.
Everything worked out like a dream and I was in my new home a month earlier than I expected.
You might say that the writing was on the wall all along;-)
So while there were a lot of potential nightmare scenarios that could have happened when buying my new home just like the Schrodinger's Cat theory, it all turned out OK.
And while I would never keep a live bird in my house, I found a statue of a cockatoo that was on special, so it now sits on its own table in my "living" room, like it's listening to the live cockatoos that squawk outside.
My 'Summer Bird' statue from Adairs
Talking of summer birds, I saw this picture in the paper on October 1st of a young lady modeling a Cancer Council "Ugly Xmas Rashie" with cockatoos on it, which is a great idea for the Australian summer that hits at Christmastime.
Great sales pitch and better odds of dying than playing Russian Roulette.
I'll have to get some more sun;-)
It will also be the first Christmas that I won't be spending at the old family home with the family members who are still living.
I even bought a bottle of 'Cockatoo Ridge' sparkling wine to celebrate my new home, since I now live on a cockatoo ridge with all of my favourite birds surrounding my home.
The nature of reality sure can be strange, that's if it's not all just coincidence, right;-)
Hummingbirds and the Horizons of Planetary Culture
I just can't wait till the 'bird of paradise' plants start to flower in my backyard.
Too bad I can't have a live cat where I live.


  1. Dunno if you like, or have even heard of, "The Cure"...but their "Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me" album is one of my personal faves.
    ^The Cure - Like Cockatoos^

  2. I don't mind "The Cure" C.F.A and I nearly got to see them play live in Oz, but I'm not familiar with their album.
    I'll have to check it out.
