
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

August 14, 2024

The Good Mourning Podcast?🦋🦉👻👼

I had not heard of the
'Good Mourning' podcast show until last Saturday when I attended a talk at the Byron Writers Festival called 'Writing Pain' which featured one of the podcast hosts Sally Douglas ... who I really thought I knew from somewhere before in this lifetime ... but I don't it seems ... and I've racked my brain since that talk wondering why Sally seems so familiar to me ... and I can't figure it out.
The 'Writing Pain' talk last Saturday
The only person on the panel I had actually met before in this lifetime that I knew of was Ailsa Piper, who I actually met for the first time at my very first Byron Writers Festival -
The Way to Byron Bay Via Spain
I had just come from listening to the
Trent Dalton talk and getting Trent to sign 3 books I had read of his, before buying a hot chocolate and deciding to find a place to sit down and drink it before heading off to catch Bryan Brown's book talk (which was in the same tent as the 'Writing Pain' talk, which was why I was sitting in the front row of the
 'Writing Pain' talk:-)
The Drowning ... Just Keep Swimming?🏊🦈
Artworks at the 2024 Byron Writers Festival?📕🎭🎨🖌
Bryan Brown getting ready for his 'The Drowning' talk at the BWF
I actually wanted to see this book talk pictured above at the new Riverbend bookshop on the 1st of August but had already bought tickets for me and my youngest son to a crime writers talk in West End on that night.
Trent Dalton's book talk at the 
Byron Writers Festival Saturday
Sync or swim, I guess?
I can't go to every book talk I want to go to.
I let "the universe" guide me on which ones I should attend;-)
Gabby Bernstein: How to Ask God for a $ign?💫🦉😀
I notice that the 2023 podcast featuring Gabby was uploaded on Russel Crowe's birthday of April 7th, which is the day before my own late father's birthday:-)
The Secret Language of the Universe?
Russell is featured in Jake's sync video below -
Sally’s story
I went right back to the start of the podcasts to listen to how the show got started and I must warn listeners who don't like to hear offensive 4 letter words, that there are plenty ... for instance in the first podcast episode (above) Sally says IKEA ... which as readers of my blog would know is a 4-letter word I don't like hearing;-)
The Good Mourning Podcast is now on my Apple Podcast play list, so a big thank you to the universe for another good podcast to listen to in the future.
There is also a
Good Mourning You Tube channel I found out.

Ailsa PiperLucky in Love
I caught this recent 'Conversations' podcast episode which aired on local radio after the Byron Writers Festival featuring Ailsa Piper.

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