
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

August 23, 2024

Esoteric Platonism & The Lost Wisdom of the Ancients?🙈🙉🙊ðŸ’Đ😃

I have/had a copy of Plato's Republic sitting on top of my bookcase next to an image of Christ, some Rosary beads, a clock, a deck of Singapore Airlines playing cards and a white rabbit.
And under an image of an owl -
Owl City/Ocean Eyes?ðŸĶ‰ðŸŒŠðŸ‘€
It's more of an art exhibition than a shrine, although the Rosary beads and the Christ picture are nostalgic nod to my late Roman Catholic nan than part of my BS (Belief System).
I may as well put my tin of learn Spanish CDs in place of my Plato's Republic book, since as much as I tell myself I should get into Plato more, I'm as motivated to as my intention to learn Spanish at present.
I have listened to Plato's Republic being read on a free audio podcast in the past though.
I'll tidy my desk up soon, I promise;-)
My man cave (computer room/apartment) at present is becoming a bit of a mess, making me look like some kind of hoarder (which I'm not) as I try to sort through my reading material for upcoming blog posts (if you want to make God laugh, tell God your plans, right?-).
Man-cave paintings on my computer room walls
It's getting harder to vacuum my floor now:-)
I often think that if I dropped dead suddenly, my kids would be scratching their heads wondering what dad was doing with all these books and newspapers scattered throughout the house?-)
Not to mention what all the trinkets and toys surrounding my computer screen meant to me.
They would need access to my mind to know all that ... and that's probably a bigger mess, right?:-)
And that's the real cave, I think:-)
Did Weird Barbie Touch My Pussy?-)ðŸŽĨðŸ˜ļ🐅🎎ðŸŊ
My living room cave:-)
I've put my Plato's Republic book into my bookcase now, so my man cave looks a bit tidier now.
Maybe I should put my Spanish CDs where the book was now?
I wonder what God thinks about that?-)
Books That Are Still Changing the World?📚📖🌍

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