
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

June 21, 2024

Jung in the World | Trickster Makes This World: Mischief, Myth and Art with Lewis Hyde?πŸ“•πŸƒπŸŽ πŸ’πŸ’πŸ€‘

I have had so many synchs involving applesmonkeysturtles and Chicago over the last few months and couldn't figure out what tied them all together, until this podcast dropped onto my Apple Podcast playlist this morning from the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago
Trickster Makes This World:
Myth and Art
Trickster Makes This World: Mischief, Myth, and Art
Paperback – February 16, 1999
I'm yet to finish writing up those posts, but as I do, I'll be referring back to this podcast/post, because it links them all together for me.
This door below is the door mentioned in the podcast.
When one door closes, the same door opens?
"A tall, thin door stands ajar – but it is also closed. In 1927 a carpenter, working to Marcel Duchamp’s specifications, installed a door in a corner of Duchamp’s studio at 11, rue Larrey, Paris. The apartment was small, and Duchamp wanted to solve the problem of not being able to close off the bathroom and bedroom from the main space. This was achieved by a clever design which proposed that a single door be inserted into the cramped corner where the two doorways were juxtaposed at a ninety-degree angle. This deployment of a single door for an area that seemed to require two meant that when the opening to the bedroom was fully closed, that to the bathroom remained open, and vice versa, thus countering the French saying that a door cannot be open and shut at the same time. Arturo Schwarz, in his The Complete Works of Marcel Duchamp (Thames and Hudson, 1969) described this structure as a “Three-dimensional pun: a door which is permanently opened and shut at the same time” (p. 496)."

The Six Degrees of Donald Sutherland?πŸŽ₯πŸŽ¨πŸŽ­πŸ–ŒπŸŽ¬

I'll be celebrating Donald Sutherland's life tonight buy rewatching one of my favorite movies starring him, 'Six Degrees of Separation'.
He passed away on my eldest son's birthday, too.

June 19, 2024

Sync(tank) or Swim?🏊🦈

The Suspicious Origins
I never even knew that there was a You Tube show called 'Synctank' until I read this comment above left by David Charles Plate at 'CalcifiedLies' latest You Tube, which I wrote about this morning -
The Suspicious Origins of Sync/Synchromysticism?πŸ“•πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘½πŸ‘ΊπŸ’€πŸ›Έ
I did a search for "Synctank" in the Apple Podcasts search bar and got one podcast episode that came up featuring 
"Synctank" and it was some guy's blog called WILLIAM RAMSEY , who must have done a crossover with their show ... and it was boring as hell.
As was that 
"Synctank" You Tube at the top of this blog.
William Ramsey Investigates
True Crime?
But look who the guest was on the latest 
WILLIAM RAMSEY rant episode flogging his book and cult website 'The Secret Sun' blog ... Chris Knowles.
There is so much crap coming out of his mouth lately that he must use toilet paper to wipe it.
Synchromystic my ass, conspiromystic more like it.
What a sad miserable sack Chris sounds like as he grows older.
He's like the Doreen Virtue of the "Sync Community" now.
And I thought
Green had his head up his own ass?
Knowles will be on his blog tooting his horn to his cult followers with a link to that WILLIAM RAMSEY rant for sure, if past form is anything to go by.
If synchromysticism was an elephant in the room being felt by a room full of blind "syncheads" then Knowles would be the guy with his hands up its ass;-)
The World (is a Giant Podcast Circle-Jerk) According to Josh Zepps?

UPDATE: 2024
Talking Smiley Faces and Synchro-Madness
with William Ramsey:-)
Chris is so predictable lately that you don't need to be a synch profit  prophet like he thinks he is, to know what he is gonna do:-)
Ironically, as crazy and misguided as I think 'Cal Lies' is with his amusing take on Knowles and the "syncheads", I don't think Knowles is that far behind Cal on the trip to crazy clown town.
But who am I to call the kettle black, right Chris?-)

The Suspicious Origins of Sync/Synchromysticism?πŸ“•πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘½πŸ‘ΊπŸ’€πŸ›Έ

Great work by 'CalcifiedLies' in exposing shills like me (although I didn't seem to get a mention in that You Tube but I'd have to be guilty by association, I guess)Chris Knowles, Jate Kotze, Alan Abbadessa Green (it's not easy being Green as Kek Kermit sings), Mike Clelland (hey, the guy's into owls, so say no more, right?), Rob and Trish MacGregor (who just pretend they hate Donald Trump at their 'Mystical Underground' blog), etc.
Randonauts: Explore The World You Never Knew Existed?
I only found out about the Calcified Lies You Tube from seeing that Chris Knowles had written a post about it at his 'The Secret Sun' blog, which I thought he was just bragging about being on another podcast promoting his work again ... which in a way he was:-)  
The Angels & Demons Blog
Ripping the Lid Off the Synchromystic Conspiracy!
I guess now I'm gonna have to buy a copy of Knowles book and read it, if I'm gonna play the "controlled opposition" game like Calcified Lies is doing?-)
Especially if my boss Alan Abbadessa Green tells me I have to, in order to play along with the gang ... or die?
I wanted to be the 23rd person to like this Cal Lies video, but had to settle for being number 22, as I couldn't wait around at his channel all day until someone else liked it, so I could be the 23rd.
Jim Carrey will not be happy that I didn't have the patience to hang around, but who knows, maybe he'll be the one to thumb up the 23rd like?-)
The Director of 23 and Phone Booth Passed Away Today?
I see that my old mate
David Plate left a comment at Cal Lies You Tube, so I had to thumb that one for a like, while I left a cry for help under David's comment, but it looks like Cal wouldn't let it go through?
I guess Alan Green got to him?
Looks like
Cal lies is just another shill for Kotze and his gang to me:-)
Who knows Cal, if Al likes you enough, maybe you'll get to write a chapter in 'Sync Book 3'?-)

June 18, 2024

DESPICABLE ME 4 - Sweet Child O' Mine?πŸ‘ΌπŸŽ¬

What is it with the song 'Sweet Child O' Mine' and Me lately?
I never knew about the song 
'Sweet Child O' Mine' being on the 'Despicable Me 4 soundtrack until today when I watched this 5-minute composite movie trailer below on You Tube
I've only seen the trailer with AC/DC's song Thunderstruck playing throughout the trailer, not the one with 
'Sweet Child O' Mine' playing.
And to get why I'm Thunderstruck about hearing 'Sweet Child O' Mine' in this trailer today you would have to read this post -
Sweet Child O'Mine?πŸŽ†πŸšΌπŸŽ‡
Exit 24 singing Guns N Roses covers at Mayfair
And the movie 
'Despicable Me 4' comes out in Australia on my son Kevin's birthday, so you might have to read this old post as well -
A KEVIN I recently gave my son:-) 
St. Kevin, Hollywood, 42 and Reflection
Hopefully I'll be around long enough to take my granddaughter to see 
'Despicable Me 7' at the cinema.
And with a bit of luck, I might even make it to 2040:-)
As I still have a lot of books to read ... before I die:-)
16 Years to Go Until 2040?🌏πŸͺ΄πŸ‘ΌπŸ—“

June 16, 2024

16 Years to Go Until 2040?🌏πŸͺ΄πŸ‘ΌπŸ—“

When I saw the kids on today's date on my Chinese wall calendar, I thought it was World Children's Day again, but World Children's Day is June the 1st, not the 16th.
Then I thought didn't I write a post or two about World Children's Day?
And after a search of my blog, I found this post from 2020 -
Children's Day 2020?
And I realized that I still haven't watched the 2040 movie yet, so I searched for it on streaming services I've subscribed to and found out I can't watch it for free.
Although technically I could sign up for a 7-day free trial of a doco channel and watch it, then cut my subscription before the 7 days are up. 
Oops, wrong movie trailer:-)
Luckily, I found a copy of the book in an Op Shop for a few bucks a couple of weeks ago and bought it to have a read and then give it to my sister, who is a grandmother.
But then I realized that I'll be a grandfather in November myself ... if I make it that far -
Sweet Child O' Mine?πŸŽ†πŸšΌπŸŽ‡
I guess I better make that book the next book I have to read before I die ... and I hope there are no twists in it?-)

June 14, 2024


I stumbled upon this podcast episode
(above) while searching for podcast episodes about Thomas Pynchon, as I have never read 
Pynchon and am about to read one of his books (before I die hopefully:-) and wanted to know more about this reclusive author.
And up came a 'Hermitix' podcast episode about Thomas Pynchon, so I listened to it and then wondered what current episodes of 'Hermitix' there were that I might find interesting, and I see one about Jung and Christianity uploaded to Apple Podcasts this year on June 6th, which I knew was the anniversary of Carl Jung's passing, and wondered if the podcast host did that deliberately, or it was just a "synchronicity"?-)
I have listened to the 'Hermitix' podcast before, and written posts about doing so, but like all podcasts, I soon give them the flick off my Apple Podcasts list when I get bored with them.
Hermitix, DMT and Alien Information Theory?
Carl Jung and Christianity
For the time being 
the 'Hermitix' podcast is back on my list, as there are a few more episodes I'd like to listen to, and maybe write a few posts about in the future ... God willing;-)
Freaky Hoody?