
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

August 15, 2023

Books That Are Still Changing the World?๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿ“–๐ŸŒ

I could have bought Plato's 'Republic' at the Avid Reader bookstore when I went to Tracey Spicer's book launch for 'Man-Made' but opted for 'Man's Search for Meaning' instead, as I knew the 'Republic' probably was in the public domain and I could listen to it being read at one of those book podcasts.
'Man's Search for Meaning'
The ironic thing is that I came across a copy of
Homer's 'Odyssey' for $2 in a secondhand bookstore and bought it to read and as I'm listening to the podcast reading of 
Plato's 'Republic' I heard that Plato suggested banning Homer's works in the Republic he was contemplating building:-)
The Republic - Plato
SHWEP Episode 30:
Plato’s Republic
I guess 
Plato's 'Republic' is one of those books that you should read before you die, but maybe I'm reading too much into it?-)
Plato's Republic has been influential in literature and art.
Aldous Huxley's Brave New World has a dystopian government that bears a resemblance to the form of government described in the Republic, featuring the separation of people by professional class, assignment of profession and purpose by the state, and the absence of traditional family units, replaced by state-organized breeding.[42]
The Orwellian dystopia depicted in the novel 1984 had many characteristics in common with Plato's description of the allegory of the Cave as Winston Smith strives to liberate himself from it.[43]
In the early 1970s the Dutch composer Louis Andriessen composed a vocal work called De Staat, based on the text of Plato's Republic.[44]
In Robert A. Heinlein's Starship Troopers, his citizen can be compared to a Platonic Guardian, without the communal breeding and property, but still having a militaristic base. Although there are significant differences in the specifics of the system, Heinlein and Plato both describe systems of limited franchise, with a political class that has supposedly earned their power and wisely governs the whole.
Republic is specifically attacked in Starship Troopers
The arachnids can be seen as much closer to a Republic society than the humans.[45]
The film The Matrix models Plato's Allegory of the Cave.

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