
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

December 9, 2017

Answers from Heaven?

Answers From Heaven – Paranormal Podcast 512
I just listened to half of the above podcast (I wasn't interested in UFOs and The Bible) and found it interesting.
I had never heard of the author Theresa Cheung and the medium Claire Broad before listening to the podcast, and have no idea how effective Claire Broad is as a medium, but I did resonate with a lot of what Claire said in the podcast and in the You Tube above, which looks like it was filmed in Watkins Bookstore in London, which I wrote about in this post -
Do You Ever Wonder What Eckhart Tolle is Doing Now?
Actually, the video above confirms my hunch about the talk being in Watkins Bookstore, the publishers of 'Mind Body Spirit' magazine.
A Red Capped Robin on my bird calendar 
The thing was that I had no intention of writing a post about this podcast until I heard Jim talk about being near the claw machine (about the 21st minute of the podcast) and hearing a lady yelling out the name John, which was the name of Jim's late uncle who he was thinking about at the time.
He asked the ladies if this was a sign and I think it was Claire who said yes, it's like seeing robins.
The thing about robins and the name John is that I have a bird calendar hanging to the right-hand side of my computer and I only bought it because there was a rainbow lorikeet on the front, and that was the bird for October, the month my ex-father-in-law John passed away (October 30th to be exact) and that was his favourite bird, and boy did we get some weird rainbow lorikeet synchronicities the day he passed away.
Is 2017 Gonna be a Year for the Birds?
The bird for December on my calendar is a robin and I was wondering yesterday when I was going to have a mind-blowing robin synch.
Well, it was this morning on the 9th of December while listening to this podcast and hearing the word John.
My blog is named after John Lennon's song 'Watching the Wheels Go Round' and it was the anniversary of John Lennon's death yesterday also.
I wasn't going to replace the calendar at my desk next year, because I want to be able to see my dreamcatcher which hangs behind it, to remind me to work on my dreams.
Today is the 9th of December, 2017 and John Lennon also wrote the song '#9 Dream' about hearing his name John called out in the street and wondering if it was a dream.
I have written about the bird calendar in other posts like this one in the link below -
Schrรถdinger's Parrot and the "Nature" of "Reality"?
So, I'll have to agree with Claire when she says that there aren't really any accidents and that everything is connected in the ways we need it to be for the life we were meant to live life and learn from it.
'#9 Dream' is off the 'Walls and Bridges' album and my last post was about Bridges, too;-)
Burning Bridges in the Year of the Fire Rooster?

UPDATE: 10th December, 2017
I saw the above news story at the BBC website this morning about a French rocker I had never heard of before named Johnny Hallyday and the headline read 'You had to be there for Johnny'.
Plus, I also saw the movie 'Goodbye Christopher Robin' at the cinema yesterday.
That robin synch nearly flew over my head until I was re-reading this post again this morning:-)
It was a good movie, too.

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