
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

June 17, 2020

THE MELT #21: The World of Close Encounters?

42 Minutes Podcast Episode 21:
The World/
Close Encounters
An owl in Close Encounters?
The Devil's Tower?
I've been reading Mike Clelland's book 'The Messengers' and decided to put his name into my Apple Podcast search bar to see what podcasts he has done recently, and I found that he had done two podcasts at 'THE MELT' podcast site.
One podcast was numbered #3 (the trinity?-) and the most recent MELT podcast Mike was on was numbered #21 (the world?-).
This reminded me of an old post that I wrote about a 42 Minutes podcast #21 and Mike's 'Sync Book 2' chapter #22 -
The World of Close Encounters?
Soul Card #0/22 – The Fool
I've been reading Mike's book on a Jungian level, rather than seeing Mike as he sees himself.
Bit like how Jung wrote 'The Red Book', I see Mike's
'The Messengers' kind of like Mike's Blue Book:-)
And have I got some posts in the works there?-)
But this post is more about the interesting podcast episodes I found and have listened to at 'The Melt' podcast site.
I especially liked the podcast episode #11 with Diana Pasulka, which features 'Twin Peaks' actress Kimmy Robertson confessing a strange "real life" encounter in the intro.
I see that my mate Jasun has been on a few MELTs and the latest podcast episode with Erik Davis looks interesting.
Erik Davis and Dreaming of TechGnosis?
'Twilight Language' Episode 23- The Vastness
Chris Snipes, the host of 'THE MELT' also has a podcast called 'Twilight Language', which is nothing like the horrid little
blog of the same name run by a dickhead that I've crossed swords with in the past in the so-called "sync community";-)
Talk about the "copycat effect":-)

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