
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

May 31, 2017

The Last Shaman?

Taking ayahuasca, a hallucinogenic brew made with plants in the Amazon and overcoming depression is the subject of a film called 'The Last Shaman', which now has the funds for a cinema release in the USA (and hopefully Australia, too) thanks to a successful Kickstarter campaign.
It looks sick ... but in a good way ... that's if you are into vomiting and diarrhea, which I'm not.
James Freeman’s journey to find cure for depression
Boiling ayahuasca brew
But whatever floats your boat, I guess.
I'll still go to the cinema to watch it though, if the movie makes it onto Australian screens.

UPDATE: June 1st, 2017
The day after I had posted this post Noah Lampert uploads his latest podcast with Gerard Powell about the same themes as 'The Last Shaman' film -

DUSTY-ESKY and Iggy Azalea are as Aussie as Pavlova

DUSTYESKY are from the same Aussie town as Iggy Azalea
Both DUSTYESKY and Iggy Azalea share one thing in common, they are both from the Australian country town of MullumbimbyNew South Wales -
Fancy Iggy Azalea Being From Mullumbimby
I don't understand too much Russian or rap, but with a few nips of vodka ... both sound good to me ... well the Russian does at least, I might need a bit more vodka to really understand rap;-)
Vodka-swilling choir from Mullumbimby cracks the big time in Russia
Looks a bit dusty to me;-)
DUSTYESKY is a play on words funnily enough on the great Russian author Dostoyevsky and something really dear to Australian hearts ... or stomachs ... the esky, which is what Australians take to BBQs, sporting events, picnics, parties, music events and maybe to bed.
My teenage years in fancy dress,
believe it or not, on an
The Paul Hogan character Arthur Dunger
I was being in
the photo above this one
It's like a mobile fridge for keeping beer and mainly other alcoholic drinks cool.
A Pavlova is something just as commonly seen at an Australian BBQ, or party.
"Pavlova is a meringue-based dessert named after the Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova.
It is a meringue dessert with a crisp crust and soft, light inside, usually topped with fruit and whipped cream.
The name is pronounced /pævˈloʊvə/, or like the name of the dancer, which was /ˈpɑːvləvə/.
The dessert is believed to have been created in honour of the dancer either during or after one of her tours to Australia and New Zealand in the 1920s.
The nationality of its creator has been a source of argument between the two nations for many years. 
In 2008, Helen Leach published The Pavlova Story: A Slice of New Zealand's Culinary History, in which she argued that the earliest known recipe was published in New Zealand.
Later research by Andrew Wood and Annabelle Utrecht suggested the dessert originated in the United States and was based on an earlier German dish.
The dessert is a popular dish and an important part of the national cuisine of both Australia and New Zealand, and with its simple recipe, is frequently served during celebratory and holiday meals. It is a dessert most identified with the summertime and popularly eaten during that period including at Christmas time, however it is also eaten all year round in many Australian and New Zealand homes.

Those dirty Kiwis (New Zealanders) are always trying to pinch Aussie stuff, like our great bands such as 'Crowded House' and 'Split ENZ' -
Easter MOONday at Bluesfest, 2017
But love trying to pass off to us their crappy actors like Russel Crowe as being Australian.
I mean who are you New Zealanders kidding when anyone can see the Australian link in the band's name 'Split (Australi)eNZs'.
Get your own band and dessert you losers.
You can have Iggy if it makes you feel any better ... please.
Next time I'm down in Mullumbimby I'm booking a motel within walking distance (with vodka drinking calculated into that distance) of DUSTYESKY's gig and I'll be keeping an eye out for any Russian dolls;-)
Which reminds me to get back to reading Thomas Keneally's book about Russians and my hometown of Brisbane, 'The People's Train'.
But don't worry, as I'm not a Communist ... just an alcoholic ... which is pretty much synonymous with being an Australian;-)
The Mullum(bimby) Music Festival 2014

UPDATE: 2020

May 30, 2017

CITD Sounds Like a Virus or Some Kind of New Syndrome to Me ;-)

I was listening to the 'Mysterious Universe' boys (and a girl) talking about one of the presenters of the show spending time on the other side of the planet in the desert, going to hear/see speakers at the 2017 'Contact in the Desert' conference.
It looked like fun, even though I'm not really into the UFO phenomena thing that much, but there are speakers and authors there who I greatly respect and have read their books, like
Kim Carlsberg, The Crow, The Key and 1993
Whitley Strieber, Kim Carlsberg, Erich von DanikenGraham Hancock (my favourite speaker on the programe and whose fiction book 'Entangled' I'm reading at the moment).
Graham Hancock's Brisbane Talk (2014)
Peter Levenda, Jacques Vallee.
Plus, there are other's there like George Noory, Robert Schoch, Giorgio A Tsoukalos and Robert Bauval who I would have been interested in seeing.
There are also a lot of speakers I see on the program that I'm not familiar with, and others who I think are batshit crazy, or just plain charlatans.
I don't know if I would want to fly from Australia and spend the weekend in a desert, but it does look interesting and it would have been fun trying to spot a few secret agents there from the Tek-Gnostics Network blog who were there undercover.
I like how it was the 40-year anniversary of the 'Close Encounters' movie and Jacques Vallee (aged 77) was there ("The last scene to be filmed was the opening scene in the desert."("The character of Claude Lacombe (François Truffaut) is based on real-life French UFO expert Jacques Vallée.") and it was the 30-year anniversary of the U2 'Joshua Tree' album (not that U2 were there).
Plus, it's the 20th year anniversary of the 'Spiceworld' movie that Roger Moore was in.
Roger Moore as the Chief in 'Spiceworld
Was the Passing of Roger Moore in 2017 on the Cards?
Roger Moore
 (14 October 192
7 – 23 May 2017)
Looked like an interesting weekend, but I hope no one ended up with a CITD:-)
Alien life could exist on Pluto and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, claim scientists
"EVERYTHING we believe about the universe could change, with several planets in our very own solar system may host alien life, stargazers have discovered."

May 29, 2017

It Is Time, Only Time: Current 93

I caught a podcast from four years ago featuring David Tibet from 'Current 93' where he was interviewed just after his 53rd birthday where he talks of feeling he was running out of time to get all the things he felt he had to do done before his time was up.
Thelema Now! Guest: David Tibet (35 minutes)
I thought back to all those years ago when I bought 'Soft Black Stars', one of my favourite CDs in my collection, and I too feel time speeding on, wondering how much is left in my personal time tank.
But unlike David I feel whatever time is left will be all that I will need anyway, and that what doesn't get finished wasn't meant to be done by me anyway.
I guess I'm a fatalist come the end of the day and don't worry about running out of time.
It's a great album to put on your iPod and lay under a clear night sky and ponder the big questions of life, but maybe not if you are in a depressed mood.
Only when you are in one of those Carl Sagan awestruck 'Cosmos' like moments.
David Tibet
Great album David.

UPDATE:  30th May, 2017
I was checking my hits for the day and noticed that my new post about the band 'Current 93' had the most hits for a slow hit day ... of 93 hits.

Robin at Son's Grave Moves Mum to Tears

Robin at son's grave moves mum to tears
"Marie Robinson's son Jack died of a brain tumour in 2014 aged four.
She filmed the bird on the third anniversary of his death at the graveyard in Waterlooville, Hampshire.
Mrs Robinson said the family always associated robins with Jack so she was moved to tears when it flew to her.
She said robins were a familiar sight whenever the family visited Jack's grave but one had "never come so close".
"It was sitting by the side of a grave - it kept flying around.
It came back and was happy to come onto my hand and then looked straight into the camera.
"It was mind blowing - it kept coming back.
It even sat on my shoulder."
Jack died after being diagnosed with a brain tumour in 2014.
Mrs Robinson said: "It never gets easier.
"Whenever we'd go out, Jack and his twin would go robin spotting so it is something we always associate with him - it was just breathtaking.""

May 28, 2017

The Grand Chessboard of Synchromysticism?

Published in 1997
Zbigniew Brzezinski, national security adviser to President Carter, dies at 89
"Zbigniew Brzezinski, who helped topple economic barriers between the Soviet Union, China and the west as President Jimmy Carter’s national security adviser, died on Friday. 
He was 89."
"Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski (March 28, 1928 – May 26, 2017) was a Polish-American diplomat and political scientist.
He served as a counselor to President Lyndon B. Johnson from 1966 to 1968 and was President Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor from 1977 to 1981.
Brzezinski belonged to the realist school of international relations, standing in the geopolitical tradition of Halford Mackinder and Nicholas J. Spykman."
"The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives (1997) is one of the major works of Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Brzezinski graduated with a PhD from Harvard University in 1953 and became Professor of American Foreign Policy at Johns Hopkins University before becoming the United States National Security Advisor during 1977–81 under the administration of President Jimmy Carter.
Regarding the landmass of Eurasia as the center of global power, Brzezinski sets out to formulate a Eurasian geostrategy for the United States.
In particular, he writes, it is imperative that no Eurasian challenger should emerge capable of dominating Eurasia and thus also of challenging America's global pre-eminence.
Much of his analysis is concerned with geostrategy in Central Asia, focusing on the exercise of power on the Eurasian landmass in a post-Soviet environment.
In his chapter dedicated to what he refers to as the "Eurasian Balkans", Brzezinski makes use of Halford J. Mackinder's Heartland Theory."

IT Can't Be Frozen?!

Scary clown with helium balloon ...
He ... He He?-)
If you drag the temperature scale to 0 Kelvin, every element except Helium becomes solid.  
Helium, for some reason, stays liquid.
I had no idea that Helium doesn't freeze like most gases until I heard an interview with the late author of 'The Holographic Universe', Michael Talbot where he says it at around the 18th minute in the You Tube below in an interview with Jeffery Mislove, which I included in a recent post -
Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove on Skeptiko
The other thing that caught my attention was Stephen King's novel 'Dreamcatcher' was published in 2001.
"Dreamcatcher (2001) is a novel by American writer Stephen King, featuring elements of body horror, suspense and alien invasion.
The book, written in cursive, helped the author recuperate from a 1999 car accident, and was completed in half a year.
According to the author in his afterword, the working title was Cancer.
His wife, Tabitha King, persuaded him to change the title.
A film adaptation was released in 2003.
In 2014, King told Rolling Stone that
"I don't like Dreamcatcher very much," and stated that the book was written under the influence of Oxycontin."
I've never read King's novel
'Dreamcatcher', but last night I was watching on my iPad the movie that was made from it starring Morgan Freeman.

"Friends on a camping trip discover that the town they're vacationing in is being plagued in an unusual fashion by parasitic aliens from outer space."
"The character of Colonel Kurtz in the novel, was changed to Colonel Curtis for the movie, so the audience wouldn't think it was a reference to the Apocalypse Now (1979) character, which it is in the novel.
"King's novel came to my attention when I was looking through the bestseller lists for novels released in 2001 and saw that 'Dreamcatcher' was on the list, but a bit too far down the list that year to really include it in my post about that year -
2001: The Present Can Only Be Viewed from the Past?
The only reason I wrote the post about the year 2001 was because I was writing a series of posts about the years ending in 7 at the time, but I couldn't go past the iconic pop cultural years of 2001 and 1984 without putting those years in the spotlight also.
When I was putting together my post for 1987 I was looking into Whitley Strieber whose book 'Communion' came out that year -
1987: The Present Can Only Be Viewed from the Past?
Oddly enough, Stephen King hit my radar when I heard Whitley Strieber on the Larry King (another King ironically) show on a You Tube 
Alien Abductions on Larry King CNN - Whitley Strieber
Whitley mentions another writer at the 5 minute and 20 second mark in that video, who Whitley claims is just as famous as he is, who confided to Whitley that the same thing happened to him back in the late 60s.
I don't know who this writer was, but my suspicions turned to Stephen King.
I could be wrong, but if you look at Stephen King's body of work I think it's safe to say that he is tapping into something beyond his own conscious self.
Morgan Freeman turns 80 on the first of June, 2017 and Stephen King turns 70 in September this year.
Which all seems to hark back to Chris Knowles post that inspired my looking into those years ending in se7en -
The Present Can Only Be Viewed from the Past
The aliens from the 'Dreamcatcher' movie
The 'Dreamcatcher' movie has a main alien character who goes by the name of Mr. Grey and the alien virus is named "Ripley" after the main character of the first 'Alien' film.
Alien: Covenant = "Space Lucifer"
Released in 2017
Michael Fassbender who plays David/Walter in the new 'Alien' movie turned 40 this year, as he was born on April 2nd, 1977.
There are rumours that Michael Fassbender could be the seventh James Bond, too.
Was the Passing of Roger Moore in 2017 on the Cards?
So, King appears to have combined some weird 'Communion'/'Alien' hybrid storyline together here, which is not so much an invasion of the body-snatchers, but more like an invasion of the mind snatchers, in a way.
"To portray Mr. Grey speaking through Jonesy, Damian Lewis did an impression of Malcolm McDowell."
Damian Lewis channeling Mr.Grey in 'Dreamcatcher'
I'm sure that would have impressed King, as we know how much King hated Kubrick's movie version of King's book 'The Shining'.
Published in 1977
I also find it bizarre that King was nearly killed a few months after Kubrick passed away in 1999.
"On June 19, 1999, at about 4:30 p.m., King was walking on the shoulder of Maine State Route 5, in Lovell, Maine.
Driver Bryan Edwin Smith, distracted by an unrestrained dog moving in the back of his minivan, struck King, who landed in a depression in the ground about 14 feet (4 meters) from the pavement of Route 5."
Stephen King
"Stephen King wrote the novel 'Dreamcatcher', while recovering from a near-fatal accident. Because of his injuries, he wrote the novel in longhand.
The accident is reflected in the story, particularly a graphic scene in which a vehicle runs down a major character."
Morgan Freeman star of the movie 'Dreamcatcher'
"The main characters in 'Dreamcatcher' hail from Derry, Maine, a fictional small town that neighbors Castle Rock, the setting of many other Stephen King stories.
Derry was also the setting for It (1990)."
"The flashback scene, where the boys first meet Duddits, is the barrens from the Stephen King film IT (1990) which also takes place in Derry."
"During 'Dreamcatcher''s  theatrical release, it was preceded by the animated short "Final Flight of the Osiris."
 It was an approximately fifteen-minute film set in the Matrix universe and was later included in The Animatrix (2003) DVD."
"Mr. Grey's death in the film, is completely different from the book. In the movie, he is killed by Duddits in the water supply room. In the book, using their powers, both Henry and Duddits smother him to death with a pillow."
So, I wonder if dreams connect us all on a deeper level somehow, giving us glimpses of the past, present and future?
Kubrick died March 7, 1999 (age 70)
Something to ponder next time you drift off to sleep, I guess?-)
Funny thing also was that I was listening to the latest Paranormal podcast with Nick Redfern talking about 'The Roswell UFO Conspiracy' and what should it be about?
Good old Nick always playing the Devil's advocate;-)
In mid-1947, a United States Air Force balloon crashed at a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico.
Following wide initial interest in the crashed "flying disc", the US military stated that it was merely a conventional weather balloon.
Interest subsequently waned until the late 1970s, when ufologists began promoting a variety of increasingly elaborate conspiracy theories, claiming that one or more alien spacecraft had crash-landed, and that the extraterrestrial occupants had been recovered by the military, who then engaged in a cover-up."
Area 51