What a coincidence that it is 'Carpe Diem Day', as I fly out of Australia at noon tomorrow (the 26th) and arrive in Americia at around 6am the same day ... hopefully:-)
I'll be eating a bowl of this for breakfasttomorrow for my Vegastrip
After watching the TV series and reading the book'PLUM'I couldn't help but think of the C.D. Lewis poem 'Walking Away', which inspired me to pick up my book of C.D. Lewispoems(which doesn't include that poem) and see if I could get back into it.
And thought to myself I bet there are no Charles Bukowskipoems to be found here, but there were quite a few and I wondered if the anonymous requester of '60 Yard Pass' wasn't my old Sharkie mate Brendan Cowell?
I've got a feeling that someone with his love of poetry would be a regular to this site.
I'm not a "religious" person in the traditional sense of the word, because I don't believe in the dogma and obvious myths contained in most religions, but I do think that there is a baby in the bathwater once you get past the BS (Official Belief Systems).
And I like to listen to a variety of podcasts about all kinds of Belief Systems, even modern day "Angel ladies" like Julie (who seem a bit too off with the fariesfor me)and even former "Angel ladies" like Doreen Virtue (who has really gone round the fundamentalist Christian bend lately IM{not so}HO).
I'm about to head off on the biggest overseas trip of my life with my youngest son and won't be back in Brisbane until St. Patrick's Day ... if all goes well ... ironically -