
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

January 20, 2013

Life is a Lottery

But that's just the lottery we hear and think about that the most when it comes to luck or odds, really though life is a constant lottery of odds, right from the moment we are born.
Life: Is it all just luck?


  1. Luck and synchros: the chicken and the egg. Which comes first?Does it matter?

  2. Actually,I just finished reading
    "Sync" by Steven Strogatz
    and in the end of the book he writes about A lady winning the lottery jackpot twice in a 4 month period.
    I had already written the above post before I came across his lotto story.
    So what are the odds,once more?-)
