
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

February 23, 2022

Groovy Talk Bernie ... But WHO Are You Reflecting with Those Glasses?-)

Connecting with Coincidence with Bernard Beitman, MD
Watts What's with the cartoonish glasses Bernie?-)
I don't know if they remind me of  the movie 'Tommy' or 
Mr. Magoo:-) 
I'm always surprised by how much you don't see or hear when it comes to "coincidence" and synchronicity, so maybe it's a good visual metaphor for just how much you don't see;-)
To me every one of us is like a pinball in a massive pinball machine bouncing off each other and sending us all off in the direction we need to go in our lives, so maybe the foolish Tommy/blind glasses are a good prop to remind us all of how little we do see or hear in our lives?
I saw the movie
'Unchartted' starring Mark Wahlberg and 
Tom Holland at the cinema last night with my son and as I'm listening to Ros talk about Jon Hopkins, Mark Walhberg became a very amusing connection in my own mind ... not that Bernie would have been able to see this Walhberg sync from where he is sitting, even if he had the Hubble telescope strapped to his head:-)
A no glasses sign?-)
And 'Uncharted' is a good metaphor for the waters Bernie the Pisces is swimming in, I feel:-)
Connecting with Fractals in a Meaningful Way?
I'll post the link to the
Walhberg post here when I write it, until then just watch Bernie's groovy talk with Ros in the above 
'Connecting with Coincidence' episode 241, or don't ... whatever floats your boat in these "uncharted" waters we are all swimming in -

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