
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

February 6, 2022

What the FIG is Going on in My Waking Life and What Does it Mean ... if Anything?

FIG Rolls remind me of pillows:-)
They say never go grocery shopping on an empty stomach, but last week I did and when my eyes spotted a packet of FIG Rolls on a shelf my stomach's gut feeling was to tell my eyes to get a pack to have with my morning coffee:-)
As my eyes were glancing over the packet in the supermarket and my stomach was rumbling, my mind was going down all sorts of rabbit holes with the word FIG and how these biscuits reminded me of little pillows and my old FIG tree I cut down that was a food source for crow butterflies, as I found out afterwards.
I'm trying to get into remembering my dreams and dream-work at the moment, but I think I'm dreaming sometimes if I think I'll ever recall my dreams properly:-)
Which is why I have been listening to Theresa Cheung's podcast episodes lately, because she is into dreams and dream-working.
White Shores Podcast
Theresa Cheung
The LORAX in the Room, FIG-gering Synchronicity Out and the Stories We Tell Ourselves and Others About IT?
As I come home from the shops and am shutting my garage door I look up to see a golden orb spider in the corner and thought don't tell me it's this time of the year again where you guys go spinning your bloody sticky webs all over the place for me to walk into?
My Photo of an Orb ... Spider?
Then on Friday I step out into my backyard to do some weeding now the rain seems to be gone for a while and I see a dead crow butterfly near my sliding door ... what the FIG?!
My favourite species of butterfly laying dead right outside my back sliding door didn't seem like a very auspicious sign to me:-(
Happy Mother's Day 2021?
I watched it for ages to see if it wasn't still alive and then decided to throw the butterfly into my garden, so as not to step on it, or watch the ants finally come to feast on it.
As I threw the butterfly into my garden, as soon as I had let go of it I saw the big golden orb spider web in front of me and the butterfly hit the web about 6 inches from the spider that was sitting in the web, so I wasn't going to try and pick a dead spider out of a web and left it for the spider.
I went inside to grab all of my weeding gear and when I came out the butterfly was gone.
So either the spider had bundled it up and stored it in the web with a few other bundles, or the butterfly had somehow blown off the web?
Either way, it was a bizarre set of events that had taken place I thought from buying the FIG Rolls to seeing the spiders and the dead crow butterfly.
Who needs to recall dreams when waking life is full of bizarre events that may or may not mean anything in the future?
The worst part is that I have to get into my garden to weed it also, and now there are bloody spider webs to navigate around:-(
With bestselling
afterlife author, Barry Eaton
I just hope that dead butterfly wasn't a message from the afterlife for me personally?-)
Before Birth and Afterlife?
Theresa Cheung's
Top 10 Spiritual
Roddy McDowall as 
The Bookworm from 'Batman'
Not a very good book in my books;-)
Ironically, it was an author of a book on 
Theresa's Top 10 book-list who I went to see in Byron Bay in 2011, but who cancelled his trip because of a spider bite he got in America, that led me to seeing the talk Barry MC'd that weekend down in Byron and which led me to buying Barry's book 'Afterlife':-)
Behind the Door at Byron Bay

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