
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

February 6, 2022

Alienated by Darryl Anka/Bashar?

Alienated (2021)
I watched the Darryl Anka/Bashar inspired fictional movie 'Alienated' yesterday on Amazon Prime and if you watch the trailer above that is pretty much a plot summary of the movie and will show you just how bad the acting is, which to say it is nearly as bad as Darryl's when he plays "Bashar":-)
The Buddha at the Gas Pump ... and Bashar?
If you have an Amazon Prime account already take a look at the movie for yourself and decide, but if you don't I wouldn't waste my money renting it or signing up to Amazon Prime just to watch this movie.
And I see that Darryl has a "real" life story about him and Bashar coming to a streaming platform near you, if you are gullible enough;-)

All the world is a stage, as they say ... and for some more than others I say:-)

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